dokuga by homeobox on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

homeobox's avatar

Published: Nov 7, 2013


I recently decided out of nowhere to read dorohedoro (which you should all also do) and it ruined my life so here's a dokuga I drew a few weeks ago and didn't remember to scan until the other day~ I was too lazy to look up a reference of his shirt so he just didn't get one l-lol (nobody's complaining right)

aaaahh I forgot how calming mindless crosshatching can be. also how great moleskine is. when was the last time I filled an entire moleskine page; I don't even know ;;

I think this is hilariously reminiscent of something I would have drawn ca. 2008 (except. you know. marginally better)
(and in 2008 I would have put effort into coming up with a cool title)

Image size

984x1356px 533.34 KB


Deskjet 3050 J610 series