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LiteraturePretentious Purloining Parakeets"We're working for the pirates?" Acaste asked, with the slow cadence of one trying to give others time to realise the stupidity of an idea themselves. "Because they had their gold stolen? Pirates who aren't generally known for their gold mining and coin minting?" "Fine, we're going to go and investigate where these sea-farers got their gold from so we can give it to its rightful etcetera, etcetera," Storm said. "Most importantly, we're going to a tropical island where it's not raining," Arthur said. His curly mane was plastered around his neck, and he looked out at the rain lashing the ground beyond the canopy they'd taken shelter under with active distaste. "Fine, we can discuss what happens to the gold, and the pirates, later. I wouldn't mind meeting parakeets who managed to rob humans." Acaste said thoughtfully. The tropical island was everything they could have wished for. It was warm and dry, with a gentle breeze that kept the heat from being oppressive. It was alsoAll

LiteraturePretentious Purloining Parakeets"We're working for the pirates?" Acaste asked, with the slow cadence of one trying to give others time to realise the stupidity of an idea themselves. "Because they had their gold stolen? Pirates who aren't generally known for their gold mining and coin minting?" "Fine, we're going to go and investigate where these sea-farers got their gold from so we can give it to its rightful etcetera, etcetera," Storm said. "Most importantly, we're going to a tropical island where it's not raining," Arthur said. His curly mane was plastered around his neck, and he looked out at the rain lashing the ground beyond the canopy they'd taken shelter under with active distaste. "Fine, we can discuss what happens to the gold, and the pirates, later. I wouldn't mind meeting parakeets who managed to rob humans." Acaste said thoughtfully. The tropical island was everything they could have wished for. It was warm and dry, with a gentle breeze that kept the heat from being oppressive. It was alsoFeatured

Literature3: ThunderThunder rolled, the slate-grey storm clouds racing across the sky above the Sundew Plains, turning the golden grass grey as they blocked out the sunlight. Merrin shivered as the first drops of rain his her - this was going to be one of those storms which soaked through everything, including her fur, and she was still a long way from home. There was another form in the darkness, though, a creature who resembled a vesper except with the bulk of a bear rather than the sleek build of vesper hounds, with fur the same warm gold as the grass in sunlight. The newcomer gave a greeting bark, rather than sharing any words and it was only by checking tVesper ARPG

Pocket Guinea PigPlushes

LiteratureWelcome to Valhalla“Welcome to Valhalla!” Helga boomed. Though to be honest, Whispers had never heard Helga talk in any volume other than incredibly loud. “Or at least my portion of it! Grab a mead horn, grab a spear, and let’s get hunting!” “ we have to?” When Heldga had suggested visiting for a feast Whispers had naively hoped for sitting down and eating a little, not going straight to battle. “Well, unless you want to eat vegetables like a wuss who couldn’t slay their own moose, then yes! It’ll be fun, you’ll have an adventure!” Whispers didn’t want an adventure. Whispers had never wanted an adventure, but arguing with Helga was difficult enough (the valkyrie attacked opposing points with the same enthusiasm she brought to everything else, and the same lack of volume control). They had horses to ride, as well. This seemed excessive since they could have run as easily in their Stygian forms, but Helga seemed fond of her heavily armed and armoured human avatar, particularly since it permittedStygians

LiteratureBeware the BeastYttrin hissed for silence as she heard the dripping water deep within the caverns. Going into the Gusting Caverns was never something to be taken lightly, and this expedition to retrieve the idiot who’d gone in seeking mushrooms was worse than usual as she was bringing three tokotas with her to help haul the missing toa out. Sand, Poplar and Talbot were all strong tokotas, well equipped with headlamps and harnesses for any tricky descents and easily capable of hauling a dazed or injured toa out with them, but Yttrin was still not certain they could be trusted to understand the dangers of the mission, nor the consequences that awaited thPayment Art

LiteratureChapter 3It was the end of her journey. Their journey, if 3C counted Kulta and Uki, still following behind her with the demeanor of two sheep-tokotas, determined to round up their straying target and keep her on the right track. An annoying presence, as if she didn’t have a conscience of her own, or the voice of Aippaq if she needed someone else to tell her to have a think about her situation and decide for herself. Ahead was the mountain of Aippaq’s shrine which towered up into a sky split between two masters - Meelanik filled the left half of the sky with ever-hungry flames, while Sikrinerk’s gentle sunset promised a quiet rest atTokotas

LiteratureA Solstice QuestIt was winter now, and though the migrating birds had left for the south long ago, Pollie still found himself very busy with his work. Now lit only by the moon and stars and the shimmering curtains of the aurora, he worked tirelessly to ensure that the littlest of the creatures who stayed in the frozen tundra survived as well as possible, helping the voles to dig their tunnels under the snow, or making sure that the hibernating ground squirrels weren’t disturbed. Plants, too, needed their care continued, and he was there to ensure they would be ready when the spring came and the snow drew back, ready to burst into life as soon as the suEsk

LiteratureTalking to StrangersThe day was scorching hot. It was a day for staying near pools, for lounging in the shade. It wasn’t a day anyone would associate with clandestine meetings which, of course, made it the perfect day for one. Hunt and Androctonus were lounged under the shade of one of the tall, flat platforms of a tree which dotted the Bayan Plateau. They were seated a respectful distance from each other, Androctonus keeping an eye out on the plain behind them while Hunt’s vision darted around, skipping across the golden grasses. Neither spotted a threat, the only others moving were a slowly advancing herd of gravidon, chomping their way through the grasses, and a pair of toa in the distance looked more lost than threatening. “What’ve you got for me this time?” Androctonus’ golden yellow eyes locked on to Hunt, as if trying to skewer the toa with his gaze. It was not the most comfortable of experiences. “I have caught a pack scavenging around Cape Asli on several occasions - some of the seaweed thereKetucari

LiteratureFoD 6Indigo was thrilled. The festival was back on, properly this time, with Death at the center of it all, enjoying her first holiday in her new form. Hamlet was clinging closely to her side, an appropriate place for a rook, she thought, and Thael was...well, her heldyr was always confused by something, non-kukuri always had such a hard time, but he seemed to be enjoying the revitalised festival. She’d only had time to show Death some of the food stalls when she and Hamlet had their turn teaching the newly hatched goddess, but now there didn’t seem to be the same crush around her as everyone spread out to enjoy the festival. Indigo wKukuri Art

[Star [Vulpix/Poochyena Level 56]Pokemon References](

LiteratureThe Hidden SpringCaleb scratched his head when he saw the posting about a spring with anti-aging properties guarded by a Milotic. Of course, he had no use for anti-aging anything, and the posting sounded awfully fetch quest-like, but he was quite interested in that Milotic. Aside from being glamorous, Milotics could be incredibly powerful, substance to back up that sparkle. Though he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to catch the Pokemon with his current setup, he thought he ought to least try. That way, the client would get what they wanted when they got the supposed anti-aging water, and he’d get something he’d actually care for out of it.Pokemon Art and Lit

LiteratureColloseum: Catch a bugHelga was going hunting! True, her prey might be a bug (or several) rather than her preferred megafauna, but she was still determined to give a good showing. Just as she was picking up one of the conveniently provided bug nets, Helga had a thought. She’d seen giant bees fight earlier in the arena, so the arena clearly did have some more exciting bugs. And Bolt seemed like the kind of person who’d be happy to provide. “Bolt, got anything...bigger I could catch? Like, a lot bigger?” she shouted up. “Weeell, I was going to save it, but sure! Just stand back a bit! Oh, and you might need these.” Lasso ropes and grappling hooks dropped into the arena and Helga picked one of the grappling hooks up with a grin, swinging it around her head speculatively. When the gates of the arena opened and a huge beetle stomped through, the ground shaking each time one of its clawed feet hit it. The green carapace shimmered in the sun with an iridescent sheen and the black head and mandibles swayed fromScraps

Pretentious Purloining Parakeets by hRhianne, literature

Fast Times x Xena by hRhianne, literature

We are of the Stars by hRhianne, literature

Rin and Morgana Bonding 1 by hRhianne, literature

You vs. Dropki by hRhianne, literature

Rock Climbing by hRhianne, literature

Don't play with fire by hRhianne, literature