DXT Round 3 pt.7 by HronawmonsTamer on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

In case you're wondering why i didn't do an X4 animation, I'll do it in the 3.5 round dince my comp was an ASS!


Sky level
Boltedup from the portal, Kurokishimon made a twist and landed safetly on her feel."....alright, i gotta find those idiots... again..." She went on all fours, sniffing."... that's strange... I can't feel it as strong from here, but we're still in the labirinth zone..." She pondered a bit, but continued sniffing the ground, searching for the others. Once in a while she shot a glance to the wall.

Ground level
"Oh man, we lost the girls! We're lost too..."Exveemon started worying and trembling, glanceing aroun until Dracomon's playful antics snapped him out.
"PFFT!" The rookie smirked."We're not lost! I'll show you exactly what to do!" He frowned. "And, if you don't trust me, we can race there!" He bolted off.
"AH NO WAIT!" Exveemon started, but Dracomon ran off suprisingly fast. He whimpered abit, looking around the labirinth's green wall. Everything felt so dark and claustriphobic. He scurried back to a corner holding his knees to his chest, trmbling."...I gotta... I gotta..."
"HAH!" Dracomon suddenly bolted back from the oposite side he left."HAHA! EX WON'T CATCH UP TO ME NO-"He paused, noticing the shaking Champion in the corner. Blinked in confusion."...dude... you're good! How did you move so fast and without me seeing you!?"
Exveemon looked nervous."...Dracomon, i haven't..."
"NO MATTER! I'LL STILL WIN THIS RACE!" Once again the rookie bolted before Exveemon got to warn him. The champion once again stood still, this time in confusion as once again, Dracomon appeared from the opposite way he went. This time he was quite exhausted."...hah... huff.... dude... you're too good... How do you do that again?"
Exveemon took in his dumbfounded words, weighting them."...I... haven't even moved..."
Dracomon just stared, seemingly confused, then nodded."There is one explication to this..."He huffed again."...the labirinth....it's hacking..."

Underground level
"You know, this is really frikin slow..."The tamer commented, with her arms crossed.
"I don't care!.... I'm not letting you trigger any traps..."Hronawmon grunted, as she was struggling to carry Lavvy around the labirinth. Despite the sportive attire, she was actually heavier then she appeared. Hronawmon's legs eventually gave in as she stumbled on her face, Lavvy simply landing on her feet before Hronawmon stumbled down.
"Now that went nowehere fast..."Lavvy retorted sarcastically."Come on, just walk normal, we gotta find Dracomon before he screws up anything..."
"You should be worried about that!" Hronawmon got up, pointing at her.
Lavvy huffed."Hronawmon relaaaaaaaaax, I already took a few steps and I didn't trigger any spikes or pits..." She walked a bit more as proof, just making hronawmon frown. She smiled, leaning on a wall."I mean, what're the chances of anything being EXACTLY in this spot I'm in?"
*CLICK!* The pressure plate activated exactly where Lavvy leaned her elbow. Hronawmon gritted her teeth, looking like she was gonna strangle her tamer, then paused. Just listening or looking for anything.
*RRRRRRRRUMBLE!* They both turned, as from the darkness a giant boulder began rushing at them.
Lavvy simply paused staring."...ups..."
"UPS?! THAT'S ALL?!" Hronawmon snapped back.
"YOU CAN KILL ME LATER FOR NOW RUN!" Lavvy snapped as they began rushing off.
The boulder was suprisingly fast, keeping up with their speed even though there was really no inclination in the path they were taking. Lavvy got out her loader in a desperate attmpt to do something."COME ON! Champion! Ultimate! ANYTHING HIGHER THEN ROOKIE!" She pressed desperate to no avail."DO SOMETHING!"
"You run around, i run around, we're all gonna run run run around~!" The loader activated the MP3 at exactly this song, getting dumbfounded looks by the two girls.
"....I HATE LOADERS?!" Lavvy finally snapped.
"Oh NOW YA DO?!" Hronawmon retorted, mad and sarcastic."I ALSO HATE BOULDERS!"
"GRRRRRRRWL!" A strange sound was heard from behind them as Hronawmon blinked, turning her head."...did it just growl at me?"
"It's the digital world..."Was all that Lavvy answered, a she stared back the boulder inching closely."It's even going faster!"
After a bit more running they came over an intersection."GREAT!" Lavvy grinned."Now it'll stop as soon as it hits the wall, let's just go right!"Approaching the split path, the two rushed, jumping to the right, as they huffed relieved when the boulder hit the wall."Finally..."
*GRRRRRUMBLE!* Their rest and happiness was short lived however. The boulder twisted, turning in their direction. The two stared dumfounded, until it started spinning again, rushing after them."WHAT THE HELL?!"
They continued running, but theyw ere obviously fatigued, as the boulder was right at their backs."Alright, this is getting nowhere..." Hronawmon commented, as she flapped up,grabbing unto Lavvy's arms, pulling her up.
"Hronawmon what're you doing?! You can barely carry me on ground, let alone fly?!" Lavvy flailed back as Hronawmon was still slowly lifting her off the ground.
"Maybe.... only... chance!" Hronawmon wheezed getting up, before her wings eventually agve, right over the boulder.
"WHOAH!" The two flailed around on the spinning boulder, realising eventually they were forced to run backwards.
"I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY!" Hronawmon finally snapped back at lavvy who was only focused on running with balance.

Ground level
By this point, Dracomon exhausted himself running, as Exveemon was carying him in his arms."Are we there yet..." Dracomon asked, huffing.
"...I dunno..."Exveemon responded honsetly, as he was trying to figure out the labyrinth."I just want to find at least one of the girls.
"CRACKLE! BOOM!" Suddenly the ceiling cracked and smashed open as pieces of debree fell down, dust rising up.
"ACK!" Dracomon jumped, clinging tight to Exveemon's neck, as Exveemon jawdropped, stepping abck a bit. As the dust cleared, Kurokishimon was glaring at them."...oh great, you're not the pair of idots I was looking for, but i guess you will do..."
"Kushi?...what.... how... huh?"Exveemon stood confused, as Dracomon was just shoked.
"Don't look so suprised the walls were a clear hint.... As well as these ground plated sound kinda hollow when you step on them..." The wold digimon commented, getting up in a better posture. She tapped the ground with her foot."...oh great... come on you bozos, i think I know where to find the missing two idiots..."

Underground level.
"You know, when I think of cool methods to die, getting squished bya boulder was not what I had in mind..."Lavvy commented, as the two were still stuck running.
"LAVVY!" Hronawmon snapped back.
"SORRY! BUT I AM GETTING TIRED OF RUNNING!" Lavvy huffed."...at least it's great training..."
The corridor started to end as they suddenly found themselves rolling in a large circular chamber."....and I assume the boukder still won't stop..."Hronawmon growled.
"CRACK!" Suddenly a bit of the ceiling of this level cracked and crashed, as Kurokishimon quickly landed down, while Exveemon and Dracomon glided down. Kurokishimon turned, staring at the boulder who was coming right at her, but mostly, staring at the two females running in it."...yep, those were your smells alright..."
"A LITTLE HELP?!" Lavvy and Hronawmon snapped.
Kurokishimon sighed, but readied herself, simply waiting for the boulder to get close. Waited and waited, maing everybody nervous. Until she sprang up, over the bouler, inbetween the two, grabbing both and landing gracefully as the boulder rolled on.
Hronawmon huffed, really really tired. "Thanks, Kishi..."Lavvy murmured, also exhausted.
*THUMP!* Before Kurokishimon left them both fell to the ground. Hronawmon too dizzy to complain, while Lavvy twitched."CAN YOU EVER BE NICE TO ME?!"
Kurokishimon iddn't respond, as she simply just pointed back. Lavvy and Hronawmon looked confused, then followed her view.
The boulder was cracking, changing and shaping, eventually forming a mouth, and eyes."GROAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" As it roared.
"...that's new..."Dracomon commented, as Exveemon just stared in shock.
Lavvy frowned, getting out her loader, analysing."Rockomon X4 formed of 2 gotsumon, a golemon and a meteormon.... great..."
Hronawmon just growled."We can handle it!" She flew up over it."FIRE ARROW!" Shooting her projectile attack, as RRockmon X4 just stoo unphazed.
"Hey hey! Lemme handle it!"Dracomon flrew next to her smirking."Touch the back of my head!"
Hronawmon rolled her eyes, but did as she was told."G SHURUNEN!" Dracomon shot at the X4 only to get the same treatment."...uh..."
"HEARTY SHATTER!" Exveemon stomped his foot into the X4 only to get it annoyed, as it kicked him off."ACK!"
"Tsk..."Kurokishimon rushed, climbing on his back."CLAW BLADES!" She started continously slashing at it's back to no avail."This guy's armor is too thick!"
"Yeah, right! lemme try!" Lavvy rushed over charging up her fist."RAGH!" Punching his foot... only to get a massive pain in the hand."OUCH! Okay, bad idea! I am not Chris Redfield..." The giant glared, as it went to stomp at her."WHOAH!" Luckly it was pretty slow as she rushed away.
"WILD HOWL!" Kurokishimon jumped, proceeding to attack it in the face. Rockmon shook his head in annoyance, only to counter, wacking all 4 of the army digimon back.
Lavvy gritted her teeth."Alright, we gotta face fire with fire! DIHGICROS X4!" She paused as nothing happened."...DIGIXROS!" She blinked."...what the helll?"All she saw and heard was justa mshmash of tunes from the digivice."Wha...?"
"Dude, Kishi is blowing our flow! This is DRAGON soul, not werewolf..."Dracomon huffed, slowly getting up.
"Do you WANT me to eat you?! "Kurokishimon growled.
Lavvy paused, staring down."...of course... No wonder it gained an MP3...Xrossing is all about matching all the tunes to get a new power!" She grinned wide."And I LOVE combining song genres!Like Rock!" She pointed to all the dragons, showing one kind of tune."And Opera!" She pointed to kurokishimon.
Combining together, the new form of Hronawmon looked a lot more like a rocker. Lavvy stared in awe. "...so AWESOME!"
"GROAGH!" Rockmon was getting angry, as it charged Hronawmon.
Hronawmon X4 smrked, jumping up high over him, dodging."THROUGH THE FLAMES!" She proceeded to shoot fire and twist it ina tornado, capturing the beast and softening up. Next, as the flames died, she landed on his back."Going down, YOU BASTARD! HIT THE FLOOR!" She started bashing the rock mosnter, this time working much better, he wa staring to crack, while pieces of stone.Rockmon X4 started shaking, but Hronawmon dug her hook blade into her back."WO HOOOO! Ride em cowboy!"
"GRAGH!" Rockmon roared again, as Hronawmon just looked annoyed."That's it, I'm bored....SCREAMO HOWL!" She unleashed a wave of sonic energy.
"Grooooowwwwl..."The rock monster was getting dizzy, stumbling around like a drunk.
Hronawmon X4's grin widened getting ready for the final blow, as she lifted her right hand up."THE PARTY IS GOING DOWN!FURY OF THE STORM!" 4 floating Hexagrams were summoned as they each unleashed a laser, hitting the rock mosnter and making him crumble and delete."WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Lavvy grinned."Now that was ROCKING!" She sighed."...now the exit..."
SUddenly, the data remaining from Rockmon twisted and shaped in a corner, as a gate was opened, this oen to the exit, not a teleporter. Both lavvy and Hronawmon X4 jawdropped."THAT WAS THE EXIT?!"
Lavvy paused, processing."..that trap... helped us... that trap... helped... it helped.....HAHA!"
Hronawmon sweatdropped, grabbing Lavvy's coat, dragging her."Whoo boy, she cracked again..."
"That trap helped us! IT HELPED US! IT HELPED!" Lavvy went all starry eyed.
"Yes, I noticed..."X4 sighed, as theyw ent outside to complete the round.

Cover: [link]
Previous part: [link]

Kurokishimon c :iconfarumir:
Dracomon, Exveemon, digimon c BANDAI
Lavvy, Hronawmon, art c me!