Pic by Hugues24 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Fun facts (Titanic):

(1) The owners of the White Star Line reduced the number of life boats late in the design to save money. That's why there wasn't enough. The Irish contractor who was hired to design the Titanic objected, they were overruled by the owner of the company.

(2) The owner of the company also reduced the thickness and quality of the metal used on the hull of the Titanic; again, to save money. A contributing factor on why it sank.

(3) More than 100 firefighters (the vast majority of them), walked off of the Titanic and refused to sail. There was already a coal fire in one of the coal hoppers on the boat. Not so ironically, not far from where the iceberg hit the hull. Before leaving dock, they had to hire more firefighters; most of them died.

This is one of the reasons why the Titanic was steaming at full speed, trying to burn off the coal in the hopper that was on fire. They were ordered to burn if off as fast as possible. The fire damaged some of the metal in the bulkhead that failed, which was a contributing factor in the speed at which it sank.

(4) In court in Europe after the sinking, a judge helped to white-wash some of the facts. Some people suspected it was because the judge was friendly with the shipping industry; hoping to protect it. Some witnesses were not allowed to testify. Some testimony, was omitted.

Even after the Titanic struck the iceberg; had the last minute design changes not have happened, and/or the coal fire had not have happened -- either the Titanic would not have sank, or they could have rescued all -- or nearly all -- of the passengers and crew.

There's an amazing documentary on National Geographic on Disney+ that goes over all of the details. Some of which were not know for years after; in part, because some people tried to hide some facts.

The sinking of the Titanic was absolutely preventable. It was doomed before it left the dock. Not because of an iceberg, but moronic human error.