Glee by HumanDie on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

You feel ridiculously happy and uguu~ today.

Like, really ridiculously. You haven't felt this delighted in a while and you can't put a finger on what's got you this way. Just a few days ago, you had been in a pretty bad slump. You've done a complete 180.

Although there's nothing wrong with being in a good mood, you may creep out your fellow members a bit. You're not usually so smiley unless you just got done kicking their corpses around in an alternate timeline.

Good god you are so HAPPY. You could hug just about anyone right now, even Itchy. Maybe.

(( omg I don't even know, but I cannot stop listening to Dr. Horrible.

Listened to this song about 90% of the time doodling this LOL
[link] ))