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TMNT 2012: The Curse of Savanti Romero (Remake)

(The episode begins on Halloween night) April: Feels like ages since I've been out on Halloween. After all the aliens, demons, and super mutants, fake monsters are a nice change. Casey: Ha! Gimme real monsters any time. Halloween is my favorite holiday. I go out every year! (They walk up to a house and Casey knocks on the door as April glared at Casey's rude gesture, but offered a smile as the man opens the door) Yo, yo, yo! Trick or treat, dog! (He lifts his pumpkin basket. But instead of giving them candy, the man slams the door right in their faces) Why, you old stanky old creeper. April: Come on, Casey. It's not worth it. Let's go meet the guys. They're always so excited for Halloween. (As April walks down the street, Casey gets an idea to get a little payback on the man as he grins. The doorbell rings as the man opens the door and a pumpkin explodes and Casey knocks the man out with a cricket bat) Casey: That's what happens when you don't give us candy you, wrinkly old