IchiRukiFC | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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A Bond That Can't Be Broken



Years Ago272 Members240 Watchers

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Beauty and the Beast: Crossover Style! Ch. 6 by moonlitinuyasha1985, literature

Beauty and the Beast: Crossover Style! Ch. 7 by moonlitinuyasha1985, literature

Beauty and the Beast: Crossover Style! Ch. 5 by moonlitinuyasha1985, literature

Soy Latte...chpt 1 by RaWr823, literature

Comments 56

i love this IchiRuki are my fav

if i can join ok? yes? or not?

*squeal* i cant help it ichiruki is awesome sauce :iconawesomefaceplz:

Hell yeah :iconhurrplz:

Haha ! agreed ! I love IchiRuki too :love: :iconxddplz:

Whant to afilate with us --> :iconichiruki-fans: :D