STANAG by Idrinkskooma on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

STANAG (Specialized Threat Assessment and National Assistance Guard) was the country's government-sanctioned national guard, responsible for responding to national emergencies like the viral outbreak. In the months following the Lazarus Event, STANAG worked alongside the GDC (Global Disease Control) and the NDAA (National Disaster Assessment Agency) to contain the rapidly spreading virus. They deployed forces across the entire country, including remote and mountainous regions like Westford, which strained their resources to the breaking point.

For several months, STANAG managed to hold the line, but the rapid mutation of the virus and the sudden "turnings" of infected into violent, demon-like beings in hospitals and other densely populated areas overwhelmed their efforts. The outbreak spread faster than anticipated, with major urban centers being hit the hardest. STANAG personnel were stretched too thin, stationed across all states, and unable to maintain control as the situation spiraled out of control.

After months of struggle, STANAG finally succumbed to the outbreak. Only remnants of the organization remained, and these survivors, along with much of their equipment, were absorbed into the newly-formed CSRA (Civil Security Response Agency), which focused on more localized defense and specialized tactics for civilian protection. The CSRA prioritized quick-reaction teams and containment of civilian strongholds.

However, not all STANAG personnel were absorbed into the CSRA. A small percentage of disillusioned and overwhelmed soldiers abandoned their posts to survive on their own or joined emerging factions. These former national guardsmen, once the country's protectors, became scattered in the post-apocalyptic landscape, driven more by survival than by
