HCL Buyeo - When the bomb drops... by Illudyr on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

You'll have to learn how to fly


Rider (+ link to ref): Alexandra Mac Branain
Horse (+ link to ref): Norva Brava
Representing the team/riding as an individual: Representing the team

The mare was frisky as hell. Alex had noticed it before they even boarded her onto the plane a week earlier. After turning up lame just before the last leg she hadn't done much, so really; it was no wonder. Yet the extent of it still surprised Alex a little. It was not like the mare had done absolutely nothing; the first few weeks they walked quite some miles until Alex was absolutely sure the mare was fine again, after that they picked up lunging to make up for the slight loss in stamina and a few rounds of free jumping to keep her strength up. She hadn't ridden her yet though, and that clearly showed. During the warm-up was the first time she rode her beloved Zles in quite a while and the mare looked like a projectile ready to be shot. Alex caught herself being a bit too rough too; picking up the reigns just a bit more and giving stronger aids than she normally would, only agitating the animal further. She gave the mare aids for a trot and the animal sprung to life with tight, jerkey movements. "Shit" she muttered as she softly urged the mare foward, hoping her gaits would get more normal. The mare shot away at the contact, however, kicking out her legs like a madman in a sloppy extension of the trot. "Lex! Let go of those reigns!" She heard Avirian yell from the side lines. Right; This definitely wasn't Zanzibar. She loosened the reigns a tad and sat back on her ass, making herself heavy and trying to recall where all this mare's buttons were at. It took them a few rounds but eventually the mare found her rythm again. Yet she was still running around at crazy speeds. She nudged the mare into a canter. The first jump went horrible; they went in way to hard and nearly knocked the entire obstacle over. Alex's heart sank. Last leg went okay; but she had to show she belonged here. She had to... The second attempt Alex literally went flying, the mare suddenly turning so sharp a barrelracer would be jealous. For a second Alex stayed on the ground; her back to the sand and her eyes to the clear sky above. Doubts consumed her. Did she really belong between these posh showjumpers? Heck, she didn't even have a trained horse to ride during an event like this. A stray tear rolled down her cheek and she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. Last leg went okay; that's great. Between all these great jumpers doing okay is still an achievement. She couldn't quit now.

When she opened her eyes Avirian stood over her. When he saw she was still consious he pulled her upright and gripped her shoulders. "You okay? You scared me there" He seemed to study her face for any sign of pain or discomfort, but only found the torn look in her eyes. "It's okay, this doesn't make you a bad show jumper" He pulled her into a hug. He always seemed to know what she needed flawlessly. She wrapped her arms around his waist and took a deep breath. "I know, I just..." She muttered, her face buried in his shoulder. They released eachother and Avirian held her at arm's length. "I know what you're thinking; but don't. Right now it's not about getting her back to where she was; that's a hopeless case. You need to take this explosiveness and use it. I bet she could give all those laid back jumpers here a run for their money, now especially. Just keep her sharp on your aids and be gentle with her. I believe in you" A smile and a subtle blush spread on her face. "Thank you" With a final squeeze he let go of her and they went to get their grey bomb from the security person holding her.


When they entered the show arena she at least had stayed on so long. They had come to a mutual understanding, so when Alex sent the mare into a canter toward the first obstacle the mare didn't try to work her rider off and Alex didn't hold back on her pace. Every turn they made was tighter than need be; sending pieces of grass and dirt flying everywhere. Together they had one goal; take every jump and finish this course as quick as they could.

Wordcount: 740


REFS USED: Pics of butts gracefully provided by GinasDream (for shading and muscle defining)
Pics of a head made by me (for shading)
Lots of general pics of barrelracing horses (not one specific one)
horse anatomy from Elliot Goldfingers book "Animal anatomy for Artists"
This pic of a saddle
and lots and lots of refs of the palace, jump, gear and tack made by the HCL crew!
this pic for rider butt TM www.deviantart.com/jullelinpho…