On The Wall... A Sequel To Mirror Mirror... by ImADippyGuy on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

It had been a few hours since your life flipped upside down. You were in the body of some rich brat and you so desperately wanted out. But for the time being, you had lost hope. You didn't know how to escape this life, and you figured it was about time your tried figuring out how to live it. You got on your phone. It was the newest iPhone and it had a sparkly pink case that said "PRINCESS" on it. You somehow just knew the password and logged on. You went to the maps app and put in "Home." You had been stumbling around town for hours and had no clue how to get back to what you guessed was your mansion so luckily you had the phone so you could get back. You pressed start directions and started walking that way. You were having a hard time walking in heels, but they had been starting to feel more natural. And you noticed you had started swaying your hips a lot too. As you were walking a black car pulled up beside you. "Ma'am I am here to take you home. We got your maps request." the man driving said. "Oh... of course," you replied trying to act natural. You got in the car and noticed that it must be your personal driver. The whole inside was decked out in pink. You finally arrived home and went inside your mansion. You walked around until you eventually found a to-do list. And on the date for today, you saw "Shopping." You decided if you wanted to get used to this life you'd have to do what this girl did. You had your personal driver come back, and he drove you to a very expensive store.
You had finally arrived Gucci bag in hand and started browsing. You tried on tons of heels. You tried to learn to walk and them. You practiced your catwalk, how to sway your hips, and a couple of poses as well. You finally got a pair you liked and moved on to pants. You tried on tons of leggings, but something about these really pretty bright pink ones seemed perfect. You slid them on and they hugged your curves and butt nicely. They felt super soft and warm and you couldn't be happier with how they looked. You rubbed your legs and noticed how soft the pants felt. It was amazing. Next, when you were looking at tops you noticed one that matched your new leggings perfectly! "OMG!" you yelled out loud and danced around with giddy joy. You put on the top and it hugged your tits and supported them so nicely. The top was just as soft as the leggings and you felt like you were in heaven. You loved your pink outfit but felt like you needed a little something more, that's when you came across a crazy white coat, but once you put it on you fell in love. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You looked at how it made your tits look, how it showed off your ass, and you realized with one finale pose how perfect it was. You slap your ass, causing the pants to burst. "Woops!" you say to yourself. You remove everything and wear a white one piece. You went up to the register to pay. "Your total will be 6 grand today ma'am." the cashier said. 6 grand? Now that was a lot, but you figured with your new life that was practically pennies. You gave your card, got checked out, and walked out of the store ready to learn to embrace your new rich girl life....