Batman Redesign by Imson on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I'm working with DC to create a new iteration of the Batman franchise!

No, not really. But still!

I've always liked the Batman universe. The way it feels more human than most superhero fiction as Batman doesn't have any superpowers and his villains (for the most part) don't rely on magic. What does bother me a little bit is how the characters always run around in spandex, somehow get away with having their secret identities and all the convenient plot elements. The villains are always just... evil and there's little reason why they're going out being just.. bad. While there's a lot of versions that give more depth to things (I'm not really a comic reader or a hardcore fan), there's still the glaring spandex-convenience issue.

So, I thought it would be fun to design an alternate version of the universe where there are no superpowers. No glaring logical flaws and where no characters are really evil. I wanted to make it like a crime novel. The characters are still outlandish, yes, but they're meant to make sense and their motives have reason. You won't pinpoint them as the culprit unless you've actually investigated the crime and can prove it in court. Basically, I wanted to make the Batman characters human. Here's my take on some recognisable characters:

The Batman:

Bruce Wayne was born with high sensitivity to sunlight, keeping him indoors most of the day, and forcing him to wear tinted glasses when not. When his parents were killed by a mugger, the blast from the gunfire damaged his hearing, forcing him to wear hearing aid from an early age. Bruce had a knack for mechanics, and living off the remaining funds left by his parents, he developed a few surveillance gadgets for police use. While trying to market them for the local police, he was hired by commissioner Gordon as a freelance detective. As his involvement with the force continued, he got the nickname The Batman from his striking appearance. As a hired gun, his role grew to take on undercover investigations. He could use his equipment to take the cases further than regular detectives could risk, and the police would turn a blind eye to these acts, provided Bruce denied any involvement with the police should he get caught.

His most useful gadget is his mechanic surveillance bird dubbed Robin, used to keep watch on suspects without gathering attention.


Once a botanist working in a research lab. They were conducting tests to reprogram the genes of plants to allow for planting in hostile areas. She was accidentally exposed to a virus programmed to spread a splice of plant genes into a different plant, infecting her own cells. With the replacing virus spreading, her appearance started to change and her doctors estimated that the conflict would cause her organs to fail, giving her only a short time left to live.

In desperation, she turned to the media to help find a cure. Instead, she became the newest media sensation, brought on TV only as a freak show. With little to no money raised and no help on the way, she was left in her home to die. However, she didn't. Surprisingly, the plant cells that were killing her were keeping her alive. Every day she would turn more and more into a plant, to the point where her legs were completely engulfed. She doesn't leave the house anymore and holds a deep grudge against the media. One of her plots would involve how she realises she can use insects to transfer the virus to other areas as pollen.

The Penguin

Born with a special case of mermaid syndrome, he spent his childhood mocked by his peers. It wasn't until he had a swimming class that he realised how his webbed limbs allowed for an amazing mobility in water. He quickly grew to worldwide fame as a world class swimmer. His striking looks and strange skin pigmentation led to his nickname: The Penguin, something he trademarked early and sold sports gear and collectibles.

The crushing blow came when they changed the rules of requirement for the events. His misshapen body were not in line with the new rules and he was banned from the sport by a technicality, much to the dismay of his fans. The Penguin was still able to live pretty comfortably off his name afterwards, but never quite got over the wounds.

The Joker

A fairly normal boy, he was given a facial operation as a teen that accidentally caused parts of his face muscles to stop functioning. While he retained his ability to do most things, he now only had the ability to smile. Ridiculed by the friends, he wasn't able to get a steady job anywhere as his employers found his constant smiling to scare off customers. Without much money, he was forced to move to the slums and eventually found a job as a balloon salesman, using the clown makeup to justify his grin. He soon became known as the Joker by the locals. Given the neighbourhood though, he soon came into contact with the mafia, which wouldn't let him do sales without a cut. Eventually, he was forced to do petty crime to pay the extortion money, stuck in a circle he couldn't escape.

Mr. Freeze

Once a up and coming scientist, he caught a rare decease causing his body to easily overheat. As it spread, it got so unbearable even wearing simple clothing would cause burns. With little money and no family, he was forced to attempt working in order to make his bills. At first, his employers tried to overlook the modest dress codes, but as his conditioned worsened, he had to stop every so often to fill up on ice water.

Afraid that they would have to cover for his illness and his work effort dwindling, his employers fired him, leaving him no money. Now as a bum on the street, the man known by passersby as Mr. Freeze spends most of his time attempting menial jobs for whoever will hire him, carrying with him bottles of ice water in case he shouldn't find a refill right away.



So that's it. I'm guessing you can tell I don't really like Robin as a character, but he's still a significant character regardless, so I thought this was a perfect fit for him.

I really had fun making these. I've actually got a lot more redesigns of old characters that I could do, but I'll see if I get some time.
