Parsley by Interestingpotato on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Their name is Basil so ... I made a pun

Anyway this was supposed to be a warmup doodle but ... i took too much time on it and just ...
I couldn't resist, I wanted to draw them [Llama Emoji-50 (Whistling) [V3]](

~ ~ ~

Name: Basil

Nickname: "Thing"

Gender/Age/Height: Agender (they/them) / 19 mentally and physically, but technically theyre like 1,000 years old PFF / about 9 feet

Species: No name for it yet, but theyre not human

Personality: Quiet, owl-like, confused, agile, prefers stealth instead of actual combat, smol bean, precious, must protec

Likes: the small animals that inhabit their floaty island (mainland animals seem scary), singing, evening, how the sun glistens off the sand, the color red, keeping their hair unkempt

Theyre still in development, having only been made a few days ago, so don't mind the lack of detail. Also im too lazy to write their backstory here, fite me