EBC: Done with it by InTheDappledRain on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
InTheDappledRain on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/inthedappledrain/art/EBC-Done-with-it-988973556InTheDappledRain
Deviation Actions
Published: Oct 19, 2023
Collab with Northstar2014 where Anura and Nightingale go out in the evening for the patrol
This counts as Night's AC but Anura's is going to be posted later as I have another bit to post still with her and Skye
Image size
4000x4000px 5.52 MB
Lined, colored, shaded partial body = 4 x 2 = 8
Clean, colored BG = 3
Collab = 5
= +16 EP to Anura
AC = 10
= +26 EP to Nightingale