We could )(ave been somefin by Inu-Neesan on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

:icondavesplz: I have no excuses.

So I drew this doodle while watching TV the other day, aaaaand it somehow magically turned into this. It was supposed to just be a quick flat colored drawing, but then I was like, "Well...maybe I should shade it." And then...well...this happened.

I wanted to draw Feferi frowning, because everyone always makes her all smiley and bubbly. Not that it's a bad thing, I just wanted something different. So...I killed her.

Also, I kind of viewed her as looking down sadly at Eridan right after he killed her, and this is what she thought.

:iconpchoooplz: No regrets

And yes, I am fully aware that intestines aren't in the chest area. But they looked cool.