InvaderPumpkinQueen - Hobbyist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


FrUk, Pirate Days-Chapt. 11

"Jesus, was it always this far?" Arthur asks as they run up the familier old hill side. Francis smiles, "Oui, I remember us `aving races up zis `ill." "Ah ,I always did win." He smiles. "Ohonhon, only because zou cheated~ Zou tripped me" Arthur blushed, a serious expression on his face. "That was a few times..." Francis laughes, "A few hundred~" He punched his shoulder lightly. "Don't remind me, frog." Francis ignores the punch and keeps running up the hill, already smelling the familier scent of the flowers "Its been too long, hasnt it?" he asks him, as they start to get to the top. Already seeing their old tree. Francis nods, "Oui,