Lucey Ref by InZanie26 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

To complet my new Zoroark character, here is Lucey!
Lucey is Lillith's "true" personality, but not her true looking, because she's a hisuian Zoroark!

Lucey: sweet, gentle, smart, sensitive, kind, short tempered if it comes to someone who is annoying or slithly bulling her, cooperative, supportive, cheerful, romantic if she likes someone, kinda shy, positive, optimistic, caring, careful, attentive, bipolar if she is on her limit

Lillith: sarcastic, sadistic, rude, careless, selfish, manipulative, slithly diabolic, reckless, hot headed, short tempered but often very calm, toxic, edgy, a bit cold, over confident, flirty but in a really platonic way, smart, creative and skilled, sassy, nasty, a bit vain

To explain her story for short again:
Lucey (her real and birth name) was born really ill. She had an heavily weaked immune system and was getting sick really fast, she also had really bad eyes and was going to be total blind over the years. Her parents did everything to cure her for 10 years until the doctor said that nothing could cure her and that she had only 5 years left to live until her immune system brokes totally down.
As Lucey was 11 years old, her parents met a kinda strange Zoroark (a hisuian Zoroark) who was ready to help their daugther and after a secret ritual with two other ghost-types, Lucey was fully cured and healthier like never before! Everything was alright at this point, but Lucey was now a hisuian Zorua! At first Lucey was not different aside from her new looking, but as she got older she developed a kinda nasty attitude and it ended up in a splitted personality (multiple personality) and "Lillith" was born!

To Lucey in general: Lucey is smart and a really good student on her college! She's kind of a nerd and really attentive in class! Sometimes her classmates or other students bulling her a bit for being a nerd, but they are mostly just teasing her! But Lucey is too sensitive to understand it right and gets angry really fast, but because she promised her parents to not get into any trouble, she hides her anger until the day of college ends. After college, she "releases" "Lillith" and takes revenge on her classmates and the other students for being mean to her! She rarely becames too violent, she more prefs to embarassing and scare the shit out of them!
Some facts: Lucey's pearl is star shaped as reference to her shiny status. She has some brighter fur spots, because her old body has also some kind of fur disorder like pigment disorders! Even if this body is not her real body anymore, she's really strict with it and wanted this "disguise" body to be original as possible! Lucey evolved at the age of 16. Lucey has a deep crush on her classmate and friend Camilla and even if she already rejected her and only wanted friendship, Lucey still tries to win her heart! Lucey's hair are bit messy, but they still have their style. While Lillith is more feminine and gothic, Lucey prefs a neutral look!

Lucey was never supposed to be a "meanie", but because she was reborn as hisuian Zorua and not regular born as one, she couldn't handle the inner malice of her new body and her nasty attitude was born! Her parents didn't wanted her to be bullied because of her new look and gave her an amulet collar of Zoroark pearls to support her illusion abillity (my headcanon: The illusion energy of all Zoroark is stored in their pearls!) The amulet collar was hand made of a piece of her mother's pearl (a regular Zoroark) and her uncles pearl who was also a shiny Zoroark, unfortunally he died before she could met him, but he left a piece of his pearl as a charm for his sister (Lucey's mother) and she gave her this piece for her amulet to protect her from bullies! The amulet collar stabilizes Lucey's illusion, so she can stay as regular Zoroark without that her illusion fades (she can get hit by any move and her illusion will still stay!)
Even if "Lillith" is basically her true self, she tries to stay as the one she was supposed to be: a normal Zoroark without any bad attitude! Lucey is also very strict with her personality "roles", you will never see her acting as the opposite, that means she will never show 'Lillith" behaviours as Lucey and never "Lucey" behaviours as Lillith! She takes her roles serious and keeps them apart from eachother be chance what's difficult for her sometimes due to her anger issues!
Lucey is a really kind girl and would never hurt you, but as Lillith she barely cares about others and plays with your mind and feelings if she want it! But even Lillith has a good side, but you have to be very close to her or to Lucey in general to expect something nice of Lillith!
Lucey is really thankful for her saved live and enjoys every single moment! She especially loves her parents deeply and would never do something that disappoint them, even if she caused a lot of trouble as Lillith in general!