25 Essential Expresions by IronKerberos on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

25 essential expressions- COMPLETE! FINALLY! @x@

Becca-chu,~WolfPackofahundred, printed these out for us at the anime table. and surprisingly....not SURPRISINGLY I'm the first to finish, and I'm slow as freezing hell as you all know.

I used Arle,obviously, and some of these expressions were hard to make with her face since she has normally one visable eye.(the other behind her bangs)

Btw, I know it belongs in scraps, but-gallery isn't looking to shabby lately- and this is too spiffy for scraps. I did this traditionally, so I could't adjust size in some fancy art program. -.- and those blocks are SMALL when printed out.

happy-normal expression and failed as I try to add detail. XDD

sad: turned out pretty cute actually.

pleased-moved her hair out of her eye, and trinket fail. xD

angry-grr~! don't mess with her! he gonna bite chur face off. o:

confused- looks actually sacastic.

tired- aww she's sleepy~ don't wake up or she'll be angry!*points to angry*

shocked/surprised-BOO~!*scares Arle*....*then gets her ass handed to her by Arle* x.x

Irritated- This one scares me everytime I look at it. xDDD *looks* o-o


triumph- see the cute heart n her eye? o:

fear- and blood on her face. Which one of you did this to my poor Arle. >;O

bereft-...now tell m what bereft means. I looked it up, but honestly I had no idea what was the best way to draw this expression.

flirty- well she is 1/4 succubus. :3 She flirt'n for her Crymie~ *bricked*

serious- and damn, one step from angry! :ohnoes:

silly- turned out horrible. XDDDD Arle's so silly in rp's and doesn't take shit seriously most of the time. More as if it was a game. Yet I couldn't draw her silly. |DD FAIL

hollow/blank- the expression of her left expressionless- indeed odd. though i like this one.

incredulous- *shrugs* eh. had to put something in that damn box.

confident-loves how it came out~ cute,no?

feirce- yes she flipping you off. Which one of you pissed her off? D:<...C: *whistles innocently*

despondent/pouty- Lucky Star style-omfgwtfbbq. :la: I erased soooo many times. And I thought it b easy to draw!!!! Image is lazy, but hell it's one square. xDDDD ILL RE-DO THIS IF I GET A TABLET!! XDDDDD

drunk- Arle has never been drunk. So this was interesting and fun to draw. xDDDDDD

rage- ....

sarcastic- This seems like her normal expression to me. Arle you sarcastic bitch. U:<

disgusted- chibi sickness. o3o Or she ate something very bitter. (she has a major sweet tooth~THAT INCLUDES COOKES! 8D)

ill/nauseous- XD I think she swallowed a box of crayons. xDD This actually originated from an Gaia item- you could get a rainbow barf'n toucan. XD