Dogs of War... by IrvNation on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

IrvNation on DeviantArt

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IrvNation's avatar

Published: Dec 21, 2010


The days when Jason was in the Military...ah...those were the days...When life was...actually boring... :iconwthplz:

This started out as a practice piece....:iconimseriousplz: I was practicing anthro heads and poof....i drew this......Why...why does this always happen to me? When I plan I fail...When I don't plan i win....WHY!?

Image and Jason © :iconirvnation:

Image size

882x1000px 1.19 MB

Nighteyesish's avatar

Hehe, the wolf in the background with the.... sniper rifle?.... amuses me :3 And NOW! I will gripe about the American flag on his right shoulder! Just a tip, when the flag is on the right shoulder, the stars are towards the chest of the person/anthro/whatever :P It means that America keeps moving forward, and never retreats. :3

But nice job. I'd fail at guns if I ever drew them. :la: