Iviwrites - Student, Photographer | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Falling and growing again

I fell in love with a man I once knew, My heart knew, My mind did too. And no,it wasn't a deception,a lie. It was only the obvious that struck me like a bolt,the realization that I did,in fact,fall in love. Did you know how hard it was for me to let those words spill from my tongue,from my lips to yours? I thought you knew my heart by now,but it seems like somewhere along the way,our hearts started beating in different paces,or they stopped beating at all. I once knew the man I was in love with. Then he became a stranger who I admired. And now, I'm out of love, All out of love For anyone And anything. This was, perhaps,my sign to stop pouring the love out of me and let other pour it instead. If I bloom again,know that a miracle happened,for my soil has been dried up of love. I. L. @ivisthoughts on Instagram @Iviwrites on DeviantArt