When a proxy fails... by IvyDarkRose on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

So I want to push across the point of what a PROXY actually is, a puppet. They usually aren't people who just choose to become a proxy, though there are some that kind of do.

hell Toby for example is a mix of both: He never seeks Slender to be a proxy but rather is chosen by Slender and Toby accepts.
Masky/Tim: Tries to escape from Slender, never really wishing to be a proxy in the first place (according to Mable Hornets, I don't mind the idea of him being faith either lol)

SO typically, Slender picks those he can manipulate and torment to do his handiwork. I see way too often than not it being the other way around. WHICH isn't bad, its just not the same, you know?

IDK either way my head cannon, follows the whole saying of Proxies being puppets.

Went off topic sorry x.x anyway Angel failed to kill a target and yeah that's the reason. That and I seem to have a thing on drawing my OCs in pain D: (I <3 them I swear!!) I've been planning this drawing for months now o.o

Bleeding Angel (c) :iconivydarkrose: