Spare Time by Jacob-Routzahn on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Just before work ends, I glance at the sky. I see if the clouds look like they are gonna show some light, and if I'll get lucky or not with a photo op.

Well, for the second night in a row, the sky looked like it was about to unleash a flurry of colors, however. After work ended, I needed to help my sister-in-law out for a bit with some moving. So, in a mad dash I did my chores with just enough time to go grab my gear.

Right when the early signs of color started to dance on the clouds, I was finding a new spot with all new sites along Horsetooth.

Just enough spare time to give me a chance to capture the beauty.

All images are ©copyright Jacob Lynn Routzahn. You may not replicate, use, manipulate, modify, print, or any other form of editing to my work without my permission. All rights reserved.