Lone Wolf by jadeedge on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
jadeedge on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jadeedge/art/Lone-Wolf-158460479jadeedge
Deviation Actions
Published: Mar 26, 2010
Kiba from Naruto.
Went with B&W cause it's more "angsty". XD
Im gettin better at painting. but it sorta took forEVER. ;__;
I used my own hands as reference and a couple different photos for cloth and asphalt reference. Will be up for grabs at AB2010. Paint Tool SAI =
Image size
1000x773px 366.07 KB
This is amazing. I love the perspective like it's Akamaru looking up at Kiba and just being around Kiba when he's naturally himself. And the texture!!! That isn't just a black shirt, I can see how it folds from the way he is leaning. Even the bottom of his freakin' shoe shows the light and the shadow. I especially like how the ground in front of Kiba goes from a rough vision to more blurred the farther away it gets.
And Kiba... his jeans are soft & worn, his shirt is that thick cotton type, and I just want to stroke his face it looks so smooth. Freakin' hot.