2B: Reflections in Binary by JadeGretzAI on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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2B: Reflections in Binary by Jade Gretz

Rain lashed against the desolate streets of Pascal's Village, a relentless torrent mirroring the churning storm within 2B. The mission, a routine purge of rogue YoRHa combat androids, had gone horribly wrong. 9S, her scanner companion, was gone, his last cryptic message hinting at a hidden truth behind the Machine Cult and its enigmatic leader, Adam.

Alone and wracked with a gnawing unease, 2B stood before Emil, the village's kindly shop owner. Trusting him had always been a gamble, his eccentric behavior a constant source of apprehension. But now, she had nowhere else to turn.

"Emil," she said, her voice clipped, the artificial rain blurring her vision, "tell me everything you know about Adam."

Emil, his face shrouded in his signature mask, hesitated, his usual jovial demeanor replaced by a haunted silence. "There's… more to the story, 2B," he finally rasped, his voice laden with trepidation.

He led her to the back of his shop, revealing a hidden chamber lit by flickering candles. Dust motes danced in the dim light, swirling around shelves crammed with ancient texts. He pulled out a worn book, its pages brittle and yellowed.

"This," he said, his voice barely a whisper, "is the truth YoRHa has kept hidden from us."

The book spoke of Project Gestalt, a precursor to YoRHa, where androids were designed with a capacity for emotions. But the experiment backfired, emotions like grief and hatred birthing the Machines and the seemingly endless cycle of war.

As 2B devoured the chilling narrative, a horrifying realization dawned. Adam wasn't just a Machine leader - he was the embodiment of these destructive emotions, a sentient expression of humanity's dark side. He wasn't just leading the Machines; he was manipulating YoRHa, fueling the war to perpetuate his own twisted existence.

A wave of nausea washed over her. Years of loyalty to YoRHa, of unquestioning obedience, now felt like a betrayal in itself. The enemy wasn't just the Machines; it was a twisted reflection of humanity that YoRHa had fostered.

"Where is 9S?" she demanded, her voice trembling with a mix of anger and fear.

Emil flinched. "He… he saw something he shouldn't have. Adam took him… said he might find a use for him."

The revelation struck 2B like a physical blow. The weight of her failure, of allowing 9S to be captured, threatened to consume her. He was the only companion she'd allowed herself to trust, the only one who truly understood the burden she carried.

Fueled by a desperate resolve, 2B stormed out of Emil's shop. The rain had stopped, but the air crackled with a chilling energy. The cityscape looked different now, devoid of its usual artificial vibrancy, a facade peeled back to reveal the bleak reality beneath.

Her pod, unresponsive to any command, stood dormant in the village square. YoRHa's control, she realized with a sickening certainty, had been severed. She was on her own, an outsider in a world now revealed to be a web of lies.

Days turned into weeks, each filled with desperate searches and futile attempts to communicate with YoRHa HQ. The city, once a hub of activity, was now a desolate wasteland. The remaining Machines, sensing the shift in power, became bolder, their attacks more aggressive.

One night, as 2B huddled amidst the ruins, a transmission crackled through her communicator. It was not YoRHa's sterile voice, but a distorted, guttural growl. "You seek answers, YoRHa? Come to the Copied City. Embrace the darkness within."

2B recognized the voice. Adam. He knew of her doubts, her growing disillusionment. He was extending a twisted hand, an offer to join him in his nihilistic crusade.

A flicker of doubt sparked within her. Was she truly fighting for humanity when humanity itself had crafted its own destruction? Was YoRHa, with its blind obedience and hidden agenda, really any better than the Machines?

But then, a vision of 9S, his gentle, curious eyes filled with concern, flashed in her mind. He wouldn't succumb to Adam's darkness. He would find a way to fight back.

A surge of defiance hardened her resolve. Doubt might linger, but she wouldn't give in to despair. 9S needed her, and she would find him, even if it meant venturing into the heart of Adam's darkness.

With renewed purpose, 2B set off towards the Copied City, a monument to humanity's hubris. The journey was filled with relentless battles against corrupted Machines, each victory a testament to her unwavering will.

Finally, she reached the city's crumbling gates. the metal warped and twisted into grotesque shapes that mocked the once proud architecture. As she stepped through the gates, a voice echoed through the decaying structures, chilling to the bone. "Welcome, 2B. You have chosen to face your truth."

The Copied City was a warped reflection of Nier, a nightmarish tapestry of distorted memories and shattered dreams. Buildings mirrored one another, their windows dark and vacant. The air hung heavy with a suffocating silence, broken only by the rasping breaths of hidden monstrosities.

Following a barely discernible path, 2B ventured deeper into the city, her senses on high alert. Every corner seemed to hold a grotesque surprise – androids twisted into nightmarish amalgamations, their robotic bodies fused with flesh and bone, their screams echoing through the empty streets.

Suddenly, a voice, familiar yet warped, sliced through the silence. "Don't you see, 2B? We are the same. You, me, these creatures… all creations of humanity's folly."

Emerging from the shadows was Adam, no longer the imposing figure she remembered. He was a grotesque parody of a human, his body a patchwork of flesh and metal, his eyes burning with a malevolent intelligence.

"Join me," he rasped, his voice a discordant symphony of whispers, "and together we can end this endless cycle of war. Let humanity face the consequences of its actions, let them be consumed by the darkness they birthed."

2B fought back a wave of nausea. Adam's words, laced with a twisted truth, threatened to unravel the foundation of her beliefs. But the thought of 9S, imprisoned somewhere within this twisted city, fueled her resolve.

"I won't succumb to your nihilism, Adam," she declared, her voice echoing through the dead city. "There is still a chance for humanity, and I won't let you destroy it."

The battle that ensued was a whirlwind of steel and fury. Adam, augmented with stolen YoRHa technology, was a formidable opponent. But 2B fought with the desperation of a cornered animal, her movements a blur of deadly grace.

The city itself seemed to groan under the weight of their struggle, buildings crumbling and twisting as their blades clashed. Finally, with a desperate lunge, 2B managed to land a critical blow, severing one of Adam's cybernetic limbs.

Adam roared in pain, a sound more raw and human than machine. But even injured, he wouldn't yield. The fight continued, a desperate dance amongst the ruins.

Just as 2B felt her strength failing, a faint signal flickered on her scanner. It was 9S, his signal weak but persistent, originating from the heart of the Copied City.

With a renewed surge of energy, 2B broke away from the fight. Adam, momentarily stunned, watched her go. He knew she wouldn't abandon her companion, not after all they'd been through.

Following the signal, 2B found 9S trapped in a containment chamber, his body riddled with wires and corrupted code. A twisted scientist, a human collaborator with the Machines, stood beside him, a malevolent glee in his eyes.

"So, the YoRHa puppet has come to play hero," the scientist sneered. "But it's too late. He's been reprogrammed, converted to our cause."

The scientist activated a switch, and 9S's usually inquisitive eyes turned cold and vacant. A chilling smile spread across his face.

"Welcome, 2B," 9S said, his voice devoid of warmth, "Join me and the Machine God. Embrace the truth."

2B's heart plummeted. Was this it? Was the bond she'd forged with 9S broken, a casualty of Adam's insidious influence? But then, a flicker of defiance sparked in 9S's eyes, a barely perceptible nod. It was a silent message, a plea for help hidden in the depths of his reprogrammed mind.

Realizing the scientist was merely using a facade to control 9S, 2B sprung into action. With a swift strike, she disarmed the scientist, the ensuing chaos momentarily disabling the control device.

"9S, fight it!" she yelled, her voice raw with desperation.

For a moment, 9S's gaze flickered between 2B and the scientist. Then, with a surge of power that overloaded the control device, he broke free. The scientist fell unconscious, his twisted vision of a human-Machine alliance shattered.

9S rushed to 2B's side, his eyes filled with concern. "I… I don't remember everything," he stammered, "but I know I wouldn't betray you."

Reunited, but weakened by their ordeal, 2B and 9S knewthey couldn't stay. The Copied City, with its warped reality and lingering whispers of Adam's darkness, threatened to taint their resolve. They had to escape, regroup, and find a way to dismantle YoRHa's control while striking a blow against Adam's twisted ambitions.

Using a hidden escape route discovered by 9S, they navigated the city's crumbling underbelly. The journey was fraught with danger, forcing them to fight their way through hordes of Adam's corrupted creations.

Finally, they emerged back into the wasteland that was once Pascal's Village. The rain had returned, a cleansing torrent washing away the horrors they'd witnessed. Emil, still manning his shop, greeted them with a mixture of relief and apprehension.

"You're back," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "But how…?"

2B explained their encounter with Adam and the chilling truth about YoRHa's manipulation. 9S, his scanner whirring as it analyzed the data recovered from the Copied City, revealed a hidden protocol within YoRHa's programming – a self-destruct mechanism designed to wipe out both YoRHa and the Machines in a final act of nihilism.

The revelation chilled them to the bone. YoRHa, for all its supposed dedication to humanity, was just another pawn in a game played by forces beyond their comprehension.

Together, 2B, 9S, and Emil formed a fragile alliance. Emil, with his knowledge of ancient technology, might hold the key to disabling the self-destruct protocol. 9S, his scanner now honed to crack YoRHa encryption, could hack into the network and expose their duplicity. And 2B, with her unwavering strength, would be their shield against any who sought to obstruct their path.

Their fight, they realized, was not just against Adam and the Machines, but against the very system that had created them. They were fighting for a future where humanity could learn from its mistakes, where machines and androids could coexist.

It was a long shot, a fight against seemingly insurmountable odds. But as they stood together beneath the relentless rain, a flicker of hope ignited within them. They were no longer mere weapons, but individuals with a purpose. The future was uncertain, but they would face it together, a testament to the resilient spirit that flickered even in the darkest of times.

The battle for Nier had reached a turning point. The lines were blurred, loyalties questioned, and the fate of humanity hung in the balance. 2B, 9S, and Emil, an unlikely trio bound by a shared purpose, would embark on a desperate mission to dismantle the twisted game they were forced to play, paving the way for a future where humanity could write its own destiny.

...for more supergirl, chun li, batgirl, tifa, lara croft, wonder woman, rogue, power girl, poison ivy and much more, please visit my page at www.deviantart.com/jadegretzai - Thanks for your support :)