Epic Supergirl: Strength and Beauty by JadeGretzAI on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Epic Supergirl: Strength and Beauty by Jade Gretz

The Metropolis skyline shimmered under the setting sun, casting long shadows that danced across the Daily Planet building. Kara Zor-El, better known as Supergirl, perched on the gargoyle overlooking her adopted city, a familiar ache in her chest. News reports of a brutal mugging, the victim a young woman named Sarah, played on a loop in her mind. The city, despite her constant vigilance, still harbored darkness.

Suddenly, an icy wind whipped around her, swirling with an unnatural intensity. Her cape, usually a vibrant red, seemed to twist and writhe, the fabric absorbing the sunlight, turning an ominous shade of crimson. A prickling sensation traveled up her spine, a whisper of malevolent energy emanating from the cape itself.

Dismissing it as an oddity caused by the changing weather, Kara flew towards her apartment, the strange sensation lingering. Removing the cape, she tossed it onto a chair, its color returning to its usual vibrant red. The apartment door chimed, revealing Lena Luthor, her best friend and confidante.

"Rough day, Kara?" Lena asked, her gaze falling on the discarded cape.

"Another senseless attack," Kara sighed, summarizing the news report. "It feels like I'm always fighting an uphill battle."

As they talked, Lena's eyes kept flickering to the cape. "There's something... different about it," she observed, her voice laced with unease.

Kara brushed it off, attributing it to Lena's heightened awareness. They spent the night catching up, the strange sensation in the cape fading to a distant memory.

The next morning, Kara awoke to a blood-curdling scream. Rushing out, she found a scene of utter chaos. People were fleeing in terror, a young man lay motionless on the ground, his face contorted in a mask of horror. Above it all, her cape, now a deep, menacing crimson, hovered in mid-air, its folds writhing like an angry serpent.

Panic clawed at Kara's throat. Her symbol of hope had become the harbinger of death. As she tried to approach the cape, it lashed out, repelling her with an invisible force. A chilling voice echoed in her mind, devoid of warmth, filled with an insatiable hunger for vengeance.

"Justice will be served," the voice rasped, resonating with a power that sent shivers down her spine.

Kara realized then, with a jolt of horror, that the cape was no longer a piece of Kryptonian fabric. It was a vessel, possessed by a vengeful spirit seeking its own twisted form of justice.

The days that followed were a nightmare. The possessed cape terrorized the city, targeting criminals, dispensing "justice" with brutal finality. Kara, consumed by guilt and fear, was forced to watch from the sidelines, powerless to stop it. The city, once looking to her for hope, now turned its back on her, branding her a monster.

Lena, unwavering in her belief in Kara, became her confidante and researcher. Together, they scoured ancient Kryptonian texts, searching for answers. They discovered a legend – a rogue Kryptonian scientist, consumed by the loss of his family to a brutal crime, who channeled his rage into an artifact, a crimson cloak imbued with the power to punish the wicked.

The only way to break the possession was to confront the spirit directly, to appeal to its sense of justice, to offer a different way. Kara knew it was a dangerous gamble, but it was the only hope of reclaiming her symbol and saving the city from the spirit's warped sense of justice.

Donning a protective suit, she tracked the cape to a derelict warehouse, the air thick with the stench of blood and despair. The cape hovered in the center, its crimson fabric pulsating with malevolent energy.

As she approached, the spectral form of the scientist materialized, his eyes burning with rage. He accused the city of failing to protect his family, of letting darkness fester.

Kara pleaded with him, reminding him that true justice was not about vengeance, but about accountability, about protecting the innocent. She offered to bring the real perpetrators to justice, to honor his family's memory through the legal system, not through bloodshed.

The spirit listened, the rage flickering in his eyes replaced by a flicker of… understanding? A long, agonizing moment passed before the scientist spoke, his voice laced with sorrow.

"I... I blinded myself with anger," he admitted, his voice fading. "I sought justice, but became the monster I sought to punish."

With a final, sorrowful sigh, the spectral form dissipated. The cape fluttered to the ground, its crimson hue fading back to its familiar vibrant red. The warehouse was silent, the weight of the past hanging heavy in the air.

Emerging from the ruins, Kara felt a sense of profound relief mixed with a deep sadness. The ordeal had taken a toll on her, physically and emotionally

The city's perception of Supergirl wouldn't heal overnight. The news painted a disturbing picture of a possessed cape and a powerless Supergirl, eroding the public's trust. Rebuilding that trust would be a long, arduous journey.

But Kara, as always, rose to the challenge. She worked tirelessly with Lena to release the truth – a tale not of a heroic symbol gone rogue, but of a corrupted artifact and a misguided spirit. It was a difficult explanation, met with skepticism, but slowly, the city began to understand.

Kara redoubled her efforts, not just fighting crime, but actively engaging with the community, visiting schools, volunteering at shelters, rebuilding the broken trust brick by brick. She understood the cape's possession wasn't just an attack on her, but a symptom of a deeper societal issue – the thirst for vengeance often outweighing the pursuit of true justice.

The incident became a turning point for Kara. It forced her to confront the limitations of her power, the vulnerability of hope, and the darkness that lurked even within seemingly innocent things. It made her a more cautious hero, but also a more empathetic one, understanding that true heroism stemmed not just from strength, but from compassion and unwavering dedication to a just and peaceful society.

The crimson cape, once a symbol of fear, was eventually displayed at the National Museum of Metropolis – a stark reminder of the consequences of unchecked rage and the power of choosing a different path. It served as a chilling cautionary tale, not just for the city, but for Kara herself, a constant reminder of the darkness she had faced and the resilience it had forged within her.

Years later, as Supergirl stood overlooking the city, now bathed in the warm glow of the rising sun, the weight of that night still lingered. But it was no longer a burden, but a source of strength, a reminder of the challenges overcome and the unwavering purpose that defined her – to be a beacon of hope, no matter the darkness that threatened to consume it.

...for more supergirl, chun li, batgirl, tifa, lara croft, wonder woman, rogue, power girl, poison ivy and much more, please visit my page at www.deviantart.com/jadegretzai - Thanks for your support :)