Zim Eating Candies by JakieDINOSAURrawrxD on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
JakieDINOSAURrawrxD on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jakiedinosaurrawrxd/art/Zim-Eating-Candies-144656429JakieDINOSAURrawrxD
Deviation Actions
Published: Nov 24, 2009
I was eating fun-dip yesterday, while watching that one episode, with Zim eating this substance on a stick, which reminded me a lot of fun-dip, so I felt compelled to draw an image of him having the stick in his mouth, and dropping the container while being distracted. I also want to color this, you may also if you want , but who looks at my art anyway -.- 8P
Image size
400x572px 59.58 KB
this is so cool, may I ask if I can colour it?