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Sailor Scouts vs Chloroform

At an evil bar hangout, several dark forces belonging to the Dark Kingdom and Black Moon Clan had all gathered to grumble and wash away their troubles from constant pesky Sailor Scout intervention. During the evening as a local utility item delivery worker was in the back of the room, at the front stage Zoisite took the spotlight to address his fellow evildoers. "Well, here we again, another week of defeats by the accursed magical girl Sailor Scouts!" he shouted out to the angry cheers of the crowd. "Seems like no one is strong enough to defeat them, not Queen Beryl, or Queen Nehelenia or even the Amazon Quartet!" he cried out to the angry grumbles and shouts of his fellow villains. As he went on complaining, the delivery person in the back heard their complaints and let a smile appear on her face as she soon stood up on a nearby table and tossed off her simple delivery uniform to reveal her true clothing. "HOLD ON!" the female cried out, having them all turn their attention to