Little Ponies by jameson9101322 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Must draw for fun or will go mad... 0_0

So... I drew ponies! Why not?

I know a lot of people are fans of the new Friendship is Magic pony show. I am too, but did you know that all the ponies had incarnations before FiM? That's right, they sampled from the massive catalog of existing pony names to design their characters. I've drawn them all in Friendship is Magic style but in the coloring and poses of their original figures. Some of them are strikingly different.

Applejack is not. She's the truest translation from past to present... and it's a distant past too, Applejack was one of the earliest ponies released [link]

Fluttershy is more recent from the 3rd generation of ponies. She was released in the 2000s. it's interesting to note that all these ponies are earth ponies except Rarity who has always been horned [link]

Rainbow Dash is from the same general era. She's also an earth pony and part of what the wiki calls the "Core 7", the 7 character ponies designed when Hasbro decided to limit the number of named ponies from scads to seven. [link]

Rarity is also a g3 pony from the 2000s. She's what's known as a "super longhair" pony... which is self-explanatory. She's also one of those types of ponies that thought it was a good idea to glue stuff all over themselves. it always bothered me when my ponies had hard plastic bits fused to their skin. *I* never forgot they were horses as a child. i had one pony whose flank had a flower bowl shape sticking out of it that a bee on a string lived in. We pretended it was her pet and sometimes it would fly away and kidnap her. Back to Rarity, she's chronicled as the first unicorn in Ponyville (ponyville being the ponyville line of toys in g3) i wonder if that information holds up in the new series [link]

Pinkie Pie is also a member of the Core 7. She's been used the most extensively in pony merch and advertising recently, I think it's because she's pink. She's also shiny, there's a metallic gleam to her plastic body. [link] Other names of Core 7 ponies you might recognize are Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle as well as Toola Roola, Cheerilee, and Star Song. i'm keeping my eye out for these other three in the future. i hope they'll make memorable pony appearances on Friendship is Magic. (I'm also anxious to see if Sweetie and Scoot's cutie marks end up being a butterfly and a crap-ton of candy and hearts. Sweetie looks like she got hit by trick-or-treater on jet skates [link])

And as you've probably noticed, Twilight Sparkle is not represented here. That's because she's a brand new pony only introduced in generation 4. Therefore she is ineligible for this picture, even if she is my favorite in the cast.
EditEnds up there WAS a pony just named "Twilight" in the first generation of ponies. Its not Twilight Sparkle, but look at this and TELL me there's not a resemblance [link] I think I'll add her to the back.

there you go, there's way too much pony info for anyone to reasonably handle. I'm not an avid collector, but I had fun wiki'ing all this info. The Wiki inspired this picture, so that's something too.

I have other pony doodles I'd like to draw. I'd really love to give my favorite ponies from my childhood the Friendship is Magic treatment. That'll be for another day though