Jayie the Fursona - Smilodon fatalis by JayietheRiverWarrior on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I've been super into prehistoric life and learning about dinosaurs and ice age fauana and just animals from all over Earth's ancient past, this planet has existed for so so much longer than we as a species have and there is so much of life that we never got to see for ourselves. Of course, kitties like Smilodon here were around late enough for our species to have encountered, but it's still a shame that our modern eyes will never see one of them alive.

Anyway, with my recent interest in prehistoric life, and slight obsession with the game Path of Titans haha, I decided to try my hand at making a Smilodon version of my fursona Jayfrost/Jayie. :D It was a lot of fun to work on, and I think it turned out great! :D The side view definitely turned out better than the front view, but ah well. I might get a commission or two of this design, I'm pretty happy with it. :D The fur is a bit longer than what Smilodon fatalis probably realistically had, but I think it looks good and for my fursona at least I don't mind going a bit unrealistic, not too far but I don't think this is crazy or anything, it's just a bit longer and thicker.

I've been wanting to add something to do with my (tentatively labeled for now) demibisexuality with my fursona for a while now. I played with having a bandana with the colors on it, but for this version (and I'll probably add it to the small cat version soon too once I have time to redesign it), I settled on a flower... laurel, of sorts, that hangs down the neck from around the back of the neck. I had fun picking flowers with the right colors and that have some meaning. Oleanders I picked because I once watched a black vulture chick grow up in my backyard that I loved and the name I called him was Oleander, violets are there because apparently they're sort of connected with WLW in the LGBT community so that works, lavender is a scent I like and I wanted a longer sort of drooping flower, and the last one was because it was the only black drooping flower I could find, or close enough to black anyway. ^^

Like I said, overall I'm really happy with this. :D