Mystery Skulls green demon dude by JayKeyra on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

JayKeyra on DeviantArt

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JayKeyra's avatar

Published: Mar 3, 2015


His face looks chubby =3=;; and his pointy ears are too big...And his bowtie *sIGHS LOUDLY* I WISH I COULD NOTICE THESE THINGS BEFORE I ACTUALLY FINISH THE DRAWING.... O well *grumble*
Well I kinda got the idea after I was thinking about the arm with that eye...It reminded me off Bill from Gravity falls...I am sure there are quite a few resemblances from Bill and this green dude here I guess
I can't think of a name yet...I keep thinking Lucius? Help
Anyways I think he would be a very powerful demon thing, you know how Lewis has those ackward deadbeat things? Well this dood gets weird creepy dead-bat-ghost things :la: huzzah

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740x585px 246.41 KB

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