phor tfing me by jdpfeifer on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

this is my flygon goo character xenohpormic, phor for short, gooing me over, tfing me into a flygon, :icondarius-dragon: did this for me a long time ago, i just got to asking permission now to upload it, and here's a story with it inspired by an rp

i was impressed by Darius's creation; he managed to create a full sized dragon from a sort of blue liquid, or so it seemed. As Darius tried to explain me, all the "molecules" from the liquid are in fact some sort of cells that can take any functions... and that salamence was simply awesome! Not only it knew how to use many dragon-type moves, but he also was nice, knew how to talk and... let's say funny. But that's another story.

I found his idea cool, but when my friend Darius asked me if I wanted to try out and if I wanted a peculiar creature... let's say I was surprised. I thought about it, and after a few seconds, I thought Flygon could be nice.

-So Flygon huh? Hang on then! said Darius as he went away a minute to come back with a container similar to Phazon, his Salamence.

The container, about his torso's size, was a copy of Phazon's, except that instead of having "Salamence Goo" writen on it, it was written "Flygon Goo" on it. I guessed that it was Darius' dragon addiction that made him having this one too, but oh well...

-You sure? Darius said as he put the container on the table. I mean, you're willing to be a Flygon?

-Sure, I simply replied.

He handed out to me the container and told me to pour it on the ground. I cautiously opened the lid and looked in it. Te container was full up to one or two inches of a thick, shiny olive green liquid. I was temped to poke it, but as I moved my finger towards it Darius told me to don't do that and to simply pour it on the ground. I shrugged and poured the liquid on the ground.

It made a strange noise as it landed on the ground and formed a rather large puddle. I looked at it and waitd for something to happen.

-It takes some time before... Darius begun, but as he sais this, I saw the liquid bubbling, then Flygon formed. Well, formed isn't the right word. But I don't know how to describe it, it's almost like it sculpted out in front of my very own eyes. It first formed, then the other colors seemed to appear on the skin. After a few seconds a perfectly normal Flygon was standing before me in an olive green puddle. It looked at me and, at my surprise, it talked.

-Hello there! said the Flygon as it noticed me.

-Hm... hello Flygon. I'm JD, and it's me that have let you out.

Flygon smiled as I said this.

-Oh really? Then glad to meet you JD! I bet you are Darius' friend?

I nodded, then I saw Flygon opening his arms.

-I bet you've let me out because you were wondering how is it to be me! said Flygon So if you want to see it, then come here!

Of course I wondered! I wished to feel how it is to be a flygon and to fly for a while! I stepped forward and hugged Flygon, who smiled simply and hugged back.

what happened is really weird. It was like if we poured water on me, but the water was staying there, sticking on me. I felt it creeping from where Flygon hugged me all around my body. I felt soon enough something pushing on my back. As I looked back, I saw a pair of wings sprouting with some of that goo stuff splashing. I carefully flapped them and smiled.

-This should be interesting, I said.

-And they aren't fully grown yet! replied Flygon, and he was right; I felt those wings growing, and suddently the goo crept on my hands, transforming them into three-digits clawed hands. I looked at myself, and I saw my upper torso was already covered. Strangely, as it attached to me, it didn't felt like it was something over me, but actual scales on me. I laughed and sat down in the puddle.

Flygon laughed, and sat down in the puddle too. Then I felt something pushing on my back. Looking back, I saw that from the puddle, a long tail was forming, and once its length became definitive, the diamond-shaped fins formed on my tailtip. Then I noticed something strange about that Flygon. When he stopped hugging me, some webbing of goo remained between it and me.

-Don't worry, it's normal when you get covered, said Flygon, visibly amused by how I looked. Now I felt goo wrapping around my legs, forcing them to bend in a weird way as they reformed, much shorter and stumpy. I saw on them the typical green spots forming, then the goo begun to wrap around the rest of my torso. While I looked at the changes and found them cool, I had a question in head.

-Say Flygon, do you have a name?

He thought about it a few seconds, and replied:

-Oh yes. I rarely use my entire name so call me Phor!

-Okay then, Phor.

Phor smiled and then laughed. I wondered why, until I saw that my entire body except my neck and head was covered and changed. My belly grew out Flygon-sized, my wings were fully grown and my arms got a tad shorter.

-Ready for my head, Phor?

Phor chuckled.

-Your head is already covered in part!

He took a claw and poked my antenas on my head. I didn't feel them growing out! I pulled my claws on my head, to feel that goo was slowly creeping on my cheeks, forehead, chin and as I passed my hand on where my hair was, I barely felt any, and if I felt any my hand, at my surprise, oozed out on them. Phor looked at me.

-Are you ready for it?

-For what? I asked.

I had my answer almost instantly. Phor opened is mouth and spitted fire. Well, it wasn't real fire, since it was goo, but it still splashed on my face. I thought it would form a sort of mask, then my skull would reform, but I was wrong. All that goo reshaped itself into a muzzle and when I opened my eyes, I saw my vision getting red as two lens covered them. But it didn't last long. After a minute, the red coloration of everything faded. I looked at Phor and asked him if I was done changing. I was still feeling goo dripping from my claws and my antenas, so I wasn't sure.

-You need a few more inches! said Phor, and immediately after, I felt my whole body growing a bit until I was as big as Phor.

Then Phor chuckled again when he said I was done. I felt some goo dripping a bit, then the goo hardened on me, forming smooth scales. Then the puddle we were sitting in disappeared and the webbing between me and the green dragon snapped.

I looked at myself. It was incredible. I was not only able to fly, but also I was a Flygon. Then I saw Darius, looking at me and Phor.

-Happy of this JD? And you Phor, you have a new friend?

-Happy? This is awesome! I said as Phor nodded happily

-What about flying then? Darius asked. Immediately Phazon oozed out of his container and grabbed my friend by he collar with his jaws and covered him, turning him into an anthro Salamence. Then my friend got put on the Salamence's back.

-Hey! Darius protested, but I guess he found it funny, since he had an amused smile.

I laughed along with Phor and Phazon.

-I forgot to tell you JD, continued Darius. That Flygon, Phor, was made especially for you, as a gift. So he is "yours"!

What? Darius made that Flygon for me? How cool was that! Me and Phor thanked him, then he opened the door to go flying with his steed.

-Ready JD? Asked Phor.

Of course I was! I am always ready to fly!

phor and me copyright to me
flygon copyright to pokemon/nintendo
artwork and makeing the rp into a story copyright to darius daragon