TP: Jim Hawkins by JeffrettaLyn on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

JeffrettaLyn on DeviantArt

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JeffrettaLyn's avatar

Published: Aug 28, 2011


Well here he is again! Man I wish I could make my drawings come out better. I tried using the scanner, but that did NOT work. So this'll have to do.
And yes, I promise I'll draw from a different DVD some day. TP is just the one in my laptop right now.:D
Jim (c) Walt Disney

Image size

1907x2571px 732.47 KB



Shutter Speed

10/6400 second

Date Taken

Oct 26, 2011, 1:54:42 PM

StarInsomniac2009's avatar

well jim is the awesomeness! SO KEEP DRAWING JIM I SAY! do eeet... :shakefist: seriously, i love your drawings. :heart: