Spiral by jennawing on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

jennawing on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jennawing/art/Spiral-406695788jennawing

Deviation Actions

jennawing's avatar

Published: Oct 12, 2013


Mini Pixel gift for =alfvie, hope you like it! This has been part of 3/4 of my mini pixel tutorial haha, hope you don't mind!

Paint Tool SAI . Photoshop CS6 | Spiral . =alfvie | Species . %Elementiiae | Like 4 hours because I was making my tutorial alongside this haha

Image size

25x25px 1.96 KB

alfvie's avatar

aww sweet c:

hey I dont use her if you want her you can have her I think you need to ask that group where you adopt these species though, you have my permission