Time Travel AU - Keiths by Jenni41 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Current Keith is in his room, getting ready for the night. He needs to be battle ready for the morning. Though he doesn’t know how he is going to sleep.

Just this morning he was thinking they were going to need two Voltrons to destroy Lotor’s latest creation. Little did he know, his future self and those of the other paladins were going to show up to help do just that.

Current Keith is about to take off his boots when he hears a knock on the door. He opens it and finds himself face to face with Future Keith.

“Oh great,” he thinks to himself. Today was weird enough, spending it going over a battle plan with an older version of myself and friends, who all ready to know exactly what is going to happen. He wasn’t sure he wanted alone time with himself.

“Can I come in?” Future Keith asks.

“I guess,” Keith replies.

The two spend a moment sizing each other up in silence, before Future Keith breaks it, “Hey, Keith?”


“Do you mind if I give you the some advice I gave me when I was your age?” Future Keith asks, his head askew as he remembers how odd that sounds.

“Apparently not, or you wouldn’t have it to give.” Keith crosses his arms in disbelief that he was about to get a lecture from himself.

Future Keith put his hand on Keith’s shoulder and beings to speak softly, “Look, man, I know, well, I remember, how you are feeling right now. I know you’re hurting. You’ve gotten the shitty deal most of your life, you’re not sure about Shiro, and you’ve had a lot of responsibility thrust upon you. No one should have to bear the weight of saving the universe, but here we are. You have and you’re gonna make some difficult choices, some that will haunt you for the rest of our lives, But, know you’re not the lone wolf you think you are. You are not alone, you have great friends and a great team of people who care about you. Let your walls down a little, and have some fun when you can. It gets better. You’ll be happy one day. I promise.”

“Did you practice that?” Keith replied a little more scathing than necessary.

Future Keith chuckled.

“I did in fact, but you’d know that. Lance is the one with the words.”

Keith blushed at how fond future him looked when he said Lance’s name and wondered if he ever looked the same when he said Lance’s name now. He hoped not.

“I have a question.”

“Here it comes.”

“I don’t want to know the how or the when , but out of all the people in this entire universe, why Lance?”

Future Keith swallows before answering, “You will discover, that sometimes the person we are meant to be with, is not the person we put on a pedestal or wish we could be, but the person who is just enough our opposite they complete you, whose presence in your life makes you a better person, who isn’t afraid to tell you you fucked up and help you fix it. Plus, he has a good heart and he makes things fun.”

“Hmm,” Keith grunts

“You’re allowed to have fun you know? Here, I’ll just get that chip off your shoulder,” Future Keith grins as he brushes Keith’s shoulder.

“Please, no,” Keith mutters under his breath, “Was that like a dad joke? I’m so lame.”

“But happy,” Future Keith chuckles, “Seriously though, chin up. We got this.”

Keith is left with the weight of Future Keith’s words, yet they some how make him feel lighter.