Llamas IRL by jesspotter on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

EDIT2: Go check out my newest creation. All the llamas are made by me in the new one! [link]

EDIT: If you like this, go check out my llama comic! [link]

After many months of work, I have created a costume for my stuffed llama, Fella, of every llama available to collect. Everything was hand-crocheted by me except for the llama himself. He is a Douglas toy.

And for anyone who wants to know how each costume was made:
I have absolutely no idea. I hate patterns so each one was made by just starting a piece and keep on measuring around the llama, and some are made up of several pieces sewn together or some belong to two costumes. Stupid me never even thought to write down what I was doing...

:iconllamajumpplz:Anyone who faves this will receive a llama to help spread the llama love! (and receiving one back would be nice. :hug: ) :iconllamajumpplz:

I appreciate all comments, critiques, favs, and views!

Llama [link]
Super Llama [link]
Albino Llama [link]
Super Albino Llama [link]
Ninja Llama [link]
Fancy Llama [link]
King Llama [link]
Spartan Llama [link]
Wizard Llama [link]
Golden Llama [link]
Bowtie Llama [link]
Sunglasses Llama [link]
All Llamas [link]


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