Ocean profile pic by Jewel-Cat on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

OLD IMAGE MADE NEW :P here's a full on body shot of Ocean River :D Peace River's adopted daughter, and NOW to go on to the profile *claps hands together* this is going to be a LONG ONE so be ready folks!

Full Name: Breeze

Adopted Name: Ocean River

Age: Mid to late Twenties

Personality: Understanding, compassionate, calm.

Likes: Friends, family, kindness, forests, riverbanks, and oceans taking long walks, hanging out with family and friends- helping others.

Dislikes: Anything bad basically.


Abilities: Ability to learn all the ins and outs of someone ( their likes, dislikes, their family, their entire history ) by means of a simple touch ( eg she pokes said person ) flight, dangerous levels of magic; creation ( ability to create some things out of thin air, but not everything; for example she can create say a television set out of thin air, but not a fully functioning human being ) teleportation, super speed, super strength, negative magical energy sensation ( has the ability to sense any and all negative magical energy ) healing, soul grip ( she has the ability using her magic to basically "grab" a person's soul preventing them from doing anything unless she allows it, not to mention if she does it just right can instantly kill said victim ) ability to create shield's and shield others, ability to share magic with others ( give someone who doesn't have magic, magic ) enchantment ( able to infuse certain items with her magical strength ) water abilities ( ability to control water and make it do various different things ) dimensional travel ( similar to Dimension able to move about different Dimensions and take others with her ) dream abilities ( able to enter other people's dreams, even change them if wanted ) and more XD

Weaknesses: If she gets highly emotional about something can lose control over magical abilities thus hurting anyone and anything in the area even family and or friends some negative magic will cause her to become weak, sickly, even pass out, her own magic against her.

Family: Mystic (birth-father) Alexis (Birth-sister) Un-Named birth mother ( deceased ) Peace River (adoptive-father) Love River (deceased) (adoptive-mother) Pacific River (Adoptive-younger brother) Mimi (adoptive-step-mom) Bubbles (adoptive-aunt) Mecaknize (adoptive-aunt) Pure (deceased) (adoptive-uncle) Missy (niece) Serene (adoptive-sister)

Friends: Guardians etc.

Back Story:

Daughter to other-worldly hedgehog named Mystic and regular hedgehog gal; Ocean showed great potential even before she was born, her mother wanting to raise her to do good with her abilities (similar to her sister Alexis) while her father saw her as a great and powerful weapon that could be honed for his own abilities.

After Ocean was born, her mother passed- and Mystic took her to his realm " the mystical magic realm " in order to teach her how to use her abilities and use them for his own goal's, the mystic realm inhabits being forced to undergo any and all sorts of cruel punishment's, living their life under the rule of Mystic himself, had no say in the matter's he tended too- and Ocean grew up simply believing that was the way life was, thanks to the fact her sister mainly kept to the sidelines not even being allowed to enter into the mystic magic realm due to being considered " not strong enough "

When Ocean became a teenager, she had befriended a mystic magic resident known as Skully a living human skeleton that served as she and Mystic's family butler- and while her father constantly tried to show her that his ways were the only ways, she began to see things differently and eventually challenged her father's rule to try to become the ruler of the mystic magic realm in order to free all the inhabits from their enslavement, however, this resulted in her father using his own magic to revert her back to her younger ages, with no memory of who she was and throw her into the normal realm believing he had wasted many years raising her to do nothing.

Once in normal society, Ocean found herself unable to recall who she was or where she came from; but found herself getting swept up (literally ) in a river current that brought her to the resident of Peace River who showed her kindness, asked her name, even offered to help find her family for her, but it became GLARINGLY clear that Ocean wasn't any ordinary child.

Despite the fact Peace only wanted to help her find her family, Ocean grew extremely attached to him and whenever one of the guardians would say " hey come with us, we'll help you find your family" Ocean became violent, showing her tremendous magical abilities nearly even killing some of them, thus making the guardian's realize that the best thing for everyone was for her to stay with Peace until they figured out where she came from

Even though there was a constant search for any and all things related to Ocean everything kind of came up empty, and thus Peace continued to raise her as his own throughout the years trying to help her better understand her magic as she got up older.

Into her teen years, the Dragon War era hit, and the Dragons began using HER own magic in order to take out the guardians and harm innocent people; by then, Ocean began to mellow out in personality and began to feel deeply guilty for all the destruction her magic was causing to everyone and everything around ( back when she was younger seeming to only care about Peace's wellbeing, but starting to care about others was a big step for her!~ ) of course the guardian's kept telling her that it wasn't her fault but this fell on deaf ears; when the Dragons continued to make sure she understood it was HER magic that was causing all of it.

Once all of the guardians were sealed away, she remained with the others until they were brought back; and able to defeat the Dragons, during the course of time spent trying to defeat them; she meets a woman claiming to be her sister, who offers to help her learn how to better control her magic, she even goes so far as to make "magic canceling" gloves so that she doesn't harm anyone else, and by the end of the Dragon War; she decides to go with her sister, and leaves the guardians, following her sister to a distant planet where there is no life outside of her and a couple of her friends in order to practice her magic.

Over the course of many years, Ocean works on perfecting her magic, all the while trying to keep an eye on the guardian's every so often thanks to her sister creating a magical ball that would alert them any time the guardians were in trouble, but overall she doesn't have any contact with them, and continues to work with her sister; up until adult years, when everything comes crashing down.

Suddenly one day out of nowhere a strange black-scaled lizard-like creature shows up, and demands that her sister give the creature some information; when Alexis refuses, she kills her on sight; making Ocean unable to know what to do next, Alexis's friends left in shock; and everyone just trying to pick up the pieces.

A couple of weeks go by, and then the guardian's arrive on the planet she was calling home on a spaceship that they had created; talking about how they had lost their own homeworld thanks to the very same lizard creature's they decided to call the planet stealer's and while Ocean is still mourning the loss of her sister, she is more than happy to have the guardians stay with her for however long and shows great maturity in all of her actions even vowing to help them take out the planet stealer's and restore peace to the galaxy. But there's something she leaves out of her whole big speech about everything

Her sister actually had a daughter that was taken by the creature who killed her, and she was WORKING with the Planet Stealer's in order to try to keep said daughter safe from being killed by them, along the way of trying to take out the planet stealer's, Ocean, of course, tries to keep the rest of the guardian's safe as well, but it is ultimately revealed she was being forced to work with them in order to try to keep her niece safe from harm, completely shocking the guardian's leaving some of them utterly devastated by the "betrayal" even though they come to realize Ocean never meant any harm, there were quite a few things she knew about in advanced that the planet stealer's were going to do, and just had to let it happen in order to prevent Missy from getting any harm done to her.

One thing leads to another, and the group manages to take out the Planet Stealer's but it leaves Missy without any parents and Ocean takes her in under her wing, she then agrees to accompany the guardian's once more as they try to find a new place to call home, eventually settling on a world that was very similar to the one they had lost, and everything seems to go back to "semi" normal for the heroes.

Trying to embark on being a mother proves tough for Ocean who struggles to raise Missy, but ultimately comes to raise her up pretty well; teaching her great values, and teaching her how to use strong magic while helping the guardian's in their day to day type of stuff.

ANYWAY, there's more to the story but that's pretty much the basic profile for her XD some other parts of the story shall be unfolded as you see more and more artwork of mine :dummy:

All seen and or mentioned (c) :iconjewel-cat:

Side Notes To Remember

Ocean still harbors guilt from what the Dragons were able to accomplish with her magic due, making her especially strange around Dragon War survivors

One of the many adventures Ocean finds herself in, leads her to meeting her birth father and learning her story but she doesn't mind it- she see's no difference, she's still "Ocean River" even though she learns her birth name was Breeze.

She comes back in contact with Skully years down the road when the mystic realm begins falling apart and she needs to enter into it to try to help the inhabits ( story for another time ) but after seeing Skully again the two of them reconnected, and Skully now helps out whenever he can even ends up living with Ocean and Missy.

One of the many things the Planet Stealer's did in attempts to understand and even control guardian's magic was take some of their DNA and attempt to "clone" them, which end resulted in them gaining many more "siblings" younger alternate versions of themselves, which they all took under their wing after rescuing them from the planet stealer's ( talk about complicated :O )

Missy's biological mother was Alexis and father was a hedgehog named Darkness (no, he wasn't evil at least not really ) he worked as the second spy to the planet stealer's.