[Comm] Feral icon - Static Set 26 by JiggyJaggy on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
JiggyJaggy on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jiggyjaggy/art/Comm-Feral-icon-Static-Set-26-739870810JiggyJaggy
Deviation Actions
Published: Apr 14, 2018
Image size
213x103px 15.03 KB
I cannot get over how flawlessly you are able to translate super complicated designs into a style as teeny and plush as yours~ I really adore how much your pixels have improved over the years C: you've carved out such a recognizable look that I can tell with ease anytime I come across someone with an icon made by you~ and I'm glad people are displaying them! It's always such a joy to see around <3