Space marine: Corruption is but a breath away by jimmyjimjimmery on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

brother Hyren of the salamanders 5th company stepped into the crusty, desolate, lifeless tomb, easily reaching the bottom of the four steps with a single astartes tread. The air was thick and dead, and unusual readings flickered frequently through the sensors of Hyren's helmet, likely the sorcery of the treacherous eldar, muttering prayers of strength to the emperor the hardy marine began a scout of the ruin, searching for the distress beacon, and hostile targets. There were none, but something still wasn't right, what could the eldar be guarding here..

Hyren stepped further into the darkness, pondering the lack of communication with the Sons of Horus in the recent months, they;d recently gone somewhat quiet about their activities, though rumours held that the Warmaster was leading his forces against Isstvan III and a possible rebellion. Delving deeper into the seemingly expanding ruin Hyren noticed the air becoming denser and the readings becoming more frequent if less stable, stranger still was the evidence of vox intereference, voices were sifting in and out of the audio at an increasing rate, was the eldar employing some new technology to disrupt their communcation as a company?

Stepping into another desolate corridor and scanning for threats, Hyren discovered the tunnel network splitting into two pathways, for some reason, Hyren felt some form of spiritual symbolism in this.
"There are two paths, and two outcomes" a voice spoke hauntingly across the vox and seemingly the tomb. Instantly alert Hyren tightened his grip on his thunder Hammer ready to swing it at the hated enemy, senses instantly tighter and hunting for a source of the voice. after a minute Hyren was sure it was simply eldar cowardice, let their games carry on, he would not partake.

Taking the left path Hyren began a steady march into the darkness ahead, thunder hammer kept ready should it be needed.
"turn back. this path is tainted." pausing again Hyren felt annoyance at the arrogance of this voice, he called out. "If you wish a noble death xenos, step forward and claim it. otherwise do not haunt my path. his voice echoed deep into the hallways, dust falling from the roof. "you do not understand, events beyond your comprehension are in play, and you're kind must follow the right path."
the space marine stood his ground. "I and my kind walk the path of the Emperor, his light leads us to our rightful place, and it does not involve you." there was an haunting pause, Hyren wondered what his brothers would think of this conversing with xenos.
"Then walk this path, and see what crop you reap." As the voice spoke, Hyren became aware of it fading, becoming quieter as the xenos clearly abandoned this game, Hyren continued on.

A few moments later Hyren percieved an ending to the long Hallway, noticing the shape of an object in the fog of dust, what was this?

As Hyren approached the dead end, stepping out of the dust and coming face to face with the object, resting against a seemingly blatant wall, no different to any of the rest of the drab stone of the ruins. It appeared to be a mirror.

Hyren rested against the handle of his thunder hammer, staring with a stunted curiosity at the out of place mirror, could there be some importance with this mirror, or was he simply wasting the emperor's time.
Looking at the mirror with a focussed eye, Hyren realised the surface of the mirror was somewhat liquid, constantly moving then suddenly freezing solid, the mirror possessed a ridiculously bright sheen despite the dusty old place it was resting. Hyren was about to turn away when his eye registered a flicker of sharp movement on the mirror surface.

A spike of pain registered in Hyren;s mind as he was assaulted by a flash of blinding light that felt like a thousand icy fingers suddenly grabbing his face, frozen to the spot Hyren watched in a mix of revulsion and hatred for the eldar as the mirror began to twist and faces appeared shrieking on it's surface, hyren could hear a rising whine and a scream in his ears, building to a painful intensity despite Lyman's ear. The screaming paralysed Hyren and he felt his knuckles instinctively gripping his weapon trying desparatedly to defend himself. All of a sudden the noise stopped with an bang, and the liquid faces disappeared into the mirror as it became a solid substance, and something formed within the mirror.

At first Hyren saw only the figure of an astartes, fully armoured, the colour gradually appearing to reflect the colour of his own armour, he noticed that the figure was his exact, until there was the sound of glass cracking.
In that instant the figure changed dramatically, Hyren watched in revulsion as the armour cracked before his eyes, the ceramite instantly becoming discoloured and faded, a pale yellowly, sickly parody of his glorious colours. Rot seemed to spread over the joints and the lenses of the helmet changed instantly to an angry blood red. What looked to be horns jutted from the helmet and the shoulder guard, and framing the damaged slash on his helmet, an eight pointed star engraved itself with the sound of metal screeching on metal. Blood began to decorate every part of the armour, and most revoltingly Hyren stared agasp the the same blood began spewing in an uncontrolled fllod from the outh grille, splashing down the armoured collar and onto the chestplate.
Behind him Hyren heard and felt a familiar voice.
"I warned you not to walk this path."