Pregnant Emerald p33 by JojoDXXD on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Emerald stared at Jasper, a few drops of cold sweat running down her face.
-Well... Mr. Jasper-, She said taking Travis's arm and pushing him out of the room, -It's time to say goodbye for the moment-, Emerald left the room with Travis who was holding Emerald's backpack with one of his hands and with the other hand he held Emerald's brown bullwhip. When they were outside the room, she immediately closed the door and with the help of Travis placed the wooden board to block the door.
- Don't worry, I'll come back for you, I'm not too cruel to let you die here-, Emerald said opening the small metal door of the wooden door, -Until I return, you can warm your body with that woman's mummy. Oh by the way. You are fired-.

Emerald and Travis turned around and walked away, listening to Jasper cursing their lives and screaming in pain from the two shots his boss had given him just a few moments ago.
Emerald and travis walked slowly towards the stairs. Travis knew that now that they were outside, their problems had only begun to grow because neither of them had any information about what was happening with the rest of the members of the expedition.
-Emerald... We cannot continue without a plan-. Travis said as they reached the stairs.

- I know Travis-, Emerald said, sticking her head out of the stairs trying to see if anyone was coming towards them since surely someone had heard the two shots that Emerald had fired at Jasper. Emerald checked her weapon. The gun's magazine now only had 7 bullets. -We only have seven bullets Travis-, A "Click" was heard, when Emerald loaded his gun again.

- That seems like bad news. We don't know how many more people joined Jasper-, Travis said without taking his eyes off the gun that his boss had in her hand.

- It could be bad news, but you are forgetting a very important thing. We are absolutely lethal-, Emerald winked and smiled at Travis as she put the safety on her gun, put it in the pocketof her expedition coat, and then grabbed her brown whip.
- Listen to me Travis. We will do the following. We will go up the stairs and then we will look for the rest of the expedition. If we meet any of the traitors we will have to fight. As you can see, I would be a very slow target thanks to my daughter and although I can defend myself, I have to ask you to take charge of being the one to attack melee. I will be the bait, I will attract them to us and then you will be in charge of knocking them out-.

- Wouldn't it be better to use the Gun?-, Travis asked, nervous but determined to be of help to his friend.

- If we use it, the bullets will run out quickly. We don't know how many traitors there are. We will only use it if it is absolutely essential to use it. Plus I'm sure that some of the workers are still our friends. The most important thing is to get their help, if we manage to join forces the traitors will not be able to defeat us. Travis, don't be afraid, I need you now more than ever-.
Emerald began to slowly climb the stairs. Every step she took made her think about the situation of her other workers, those who were loyal to her. -"Silence Travis"-, Emerald whispered, stopping just two steps from finishing the stairs, -"I hear someon"-, Emerald unrolled her whip and Travis could admire it better, it was a fine piece made of cowhide and brown in color, it was almost two meters long, the cracker of the whip was made of braided nylon and Travis knew that in good hands a weapon like that, the tip could reach a speed of 1000 km per hour.
The footsteps down the hallway of that place became more noticeable and it was then that Emerald came out of hiding, in her hand she held the bullwhip which she swung so that the tip was behind her preparing the attack. - Richrad? May the devil take me!-.

- Emerald!-, Richard shouted and his footsteps were getting closer to them. Soon Travis saw Richard's silhouette appear, he perfectly remembered Emerald's words "You'll have to knock him out", Travis didn't hesitate for a single second since he saw Richard's face appear in front of him while he was hidden on the stairs, "Travis, Don't be afraid, I need you more than ever", with a rush of adrenaline Travis hit Richard on the chin, making him fall to the floor.

- What did you think of that, you damned bastard!- Travis shouted, ecstatic at what he had done. Travis was smiling, he had wanted to do that for many days and especially to someone who had been so rude to his pregnant boss during the entire trip.

-Travis! Stop!-, Emerald said, she had bitten her tongue trying not to laugh at the situation, -Hahaha-, In the end she couldn't help it and laughed a little. She releasing the handle of the whip, -Wait Travis, don't hurt him-.

- Aggghhh!! - Richard was on the floor. The blow he had received had made him look at stars for a few seconds. -AAAAGGGHHH-.

- Hahaha. Listen Travis, I know he deserved it but I must tell you that he is not an enemy-, Emerald approached Richard and gave him her hand to help him stand up, -Richy, are you okay?-

- Mmmmmhhhggg. Damn... Yeah... I think I'm fine. Ughh...-, Richard took Emerald's hand and stood up, -This guy is strong-, Richard said, rubbing his chin.

- Hehehe, I know. Oh...Travis let me introduce you to Richard, the real Richard, he is my best male friend.

- Oh, sorry about that. I'm sure you understand what I thought-, Travis said as he helped Richard to his feet. He had assumed Richard was definitely an enemy.- Oh no... wait... maybe it's an enemy. Jajaja. Just to be sure, we should hit him a little more-, Emerald joked, pretending to hit Richard.

- No... haha... one thump was enough. I think I could have even died with that blow-, Richard responded. Richard rubbed his chin some more, - Um" we've been betrayed again. It's Jasper and 9 other men-.

- I already took care of Jasper. He tried to lock us in a room downstairs-, Emerald said.- Em is very crafty with her backup plans-. Travis admitted.- What happened?-, Richard asked as he observed Emerald for injuries.- We tricked him into letting us out-. Travis clarified.- We used my necklace to tempt Jasper-, Emerald said.

- Ah, the old trick-, Richard responded, leaning his back against the rock wall of that place.- Yeah, though we wouldn't have pulled it off if Emerald hadn't secured a gun to her pregnant belly-, Travis said, proud of how ingenious his boss was.- You're too clever Emerald!-, Richard said, placing one of his hands on his boss's pregnant belly, -Now I understand why you didn't let anyone rub your belly-.

- Thanks guys, the truth is that my daughter was very upset all this time-, Emerald responded. - Well let's finish dealing with the traitors and then we can figure out a way to calm her down. Do you have any non-lethal weapons Richard?-, Travis said, slipping into a strategic mode.- Only blunt weapons. Take this Travis-, Richard said, handing Martin one of the metal levers. Emerald had supervised everything, she would never allow weapons within her expedition, of course, only with the exception of her own weapons, - Emerald, the traitors captured the rest of the workers. Everything went so fast. We opened the first sarcophagus and when we saw that the corpse had many valuable things, I saw how the eyes of several of the workers indicated that they wanted all those riches. When Jasper arrived one of them suggested that they should keep all the treasure, but Valery refused, she said that you were the boss, she stood firm but one of the traitors hit her in the face, soon many were fighting. The traitors used metal crowbars, shovels, and metal pickaxes as weapons. Someone hit Veronica on the back and after that they gagged everyone who didn't want to betray you. They never suspected me because of how I had posed as someone who would betray you. So I had to wait to go find you. I talked to Veronica when no one was watching me and after explaining to her that I was not a traitor I managed to untie her without anyone noticing. I was planning to release everyone but when I found out that Jasper went to that room I had to abandon that idea because I needed to know that you were there. safe-.

- I appreciate it Richard. But I need to know if Valery is okay-.

- Valery is fine. She is furious but Alondra and Veronica should be able to calm her down so she doesn't do anything crazy without thinking about it. Now we need to make a pla-,. Richard said, waiting for his friend and boss's orders.

- Richy, you will go back to where the prisoners are, manage to free the ones you can without being discovered, - Emerald said, rolling her whip again, - Travis and I will go to where those bastards are and when they want to attack us it will be the signal for everyone. the others help us.

- Emerald, that's dangerous-. Richard said thinking about Emerald's daughter.

- I know. But we will win because you are the element of surprise. Now everything depends on you Richy-.Travis held his weapon with purpose. - I'll make sure no one hurts Emerald and her daughter, count on it-, he said confidently.- Emerald and her daughter trust you. "Don't fail them travis"-, Richard said as he walked back to where the rest of the expedition was.

- Thank you Travis. Let's wait here a few minutes and then we will go out and be the target of the traitors. I will attack from afar, thanks to my whip I can attack from a distance of two meters. Forgive me for making you get into a fight-.- It's no problem Em, I was raised in a household where I man protected women no matter what he had to do in order to do so-, Travis said honestly, getting ready to do what he had to.- Well... then let's protect ourselves together. I need to take you back home. Your son needs his father to teach him how to be a gentleman-.- "And so I shall, into the fire unto the anvil"-, Travis said as they went out to face the traitors, having always wanted to say that line.Emerald nodded her head, breathing heavily because she knew she would be in a complicated situation in a few seconds. There were 26 workers including Travis, of which 10 had become traitors and had managed to subdue the rest of the loyal companions to Emerald and her expedition. The fight would be difficult but she would only win if the rest of her faithful companions followed her into battle. If the rest of her companion decided to flee or change sides, things would be worse for her. Emerald rolled her whip and unrolled it several times before leaving that passage and when she walked out of the hallway she was walking calmly as if nothing had happened, passing by the sarcophagi and she could see that two of the sarcophagi had been opened and the medallions that had been described Richard the mummies no longer had them. Emerald and Travis continued until the two could see how their companions were each tied with a thick rope and their mouths gagged.
-"There is Miss Veronica", Emerald said nervously, ,"The others must be next to her or at least very close to her"-, Emerald walked faster and as she got closer she saw how the rest of the traitors were near that place, they were counting the medallions and the rest of the riches that they would take from that place.
- Good afternoon everyone-, Emerald said walking calmly as she calmly headed towards Veronica and the rest of her captured companions. -I thank you all for covering my dear workers from the cold. Although I am not a fashion expert because I doubt that ropes are winter fashion. So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take away that horrible crime against fashion-.

- What the hell?!-, One of the traitors shouted, jumping to his feet and taking a shovel in his hand. -Emerald, I thought Jasper...-.

- Mr. Jasper no longer works with us-, Emerald interrupted, -I just fired him and unless you want to be fired and punished just like him, I suggest you put down the shovel and get on your knees and so does the rest of you!-, Emerald ordered, staring at them. She was holding her whip behind her back so both of her guns were hidden, the gun was in her winter coat pocket and her whip in her hand hiding it behind her back. Travis calmly kept watch as Emerald talk to the others traitors. His weapon in hand and ready to swing. He had spent a summer learning swordplay. And had continued to practice afterwards, not realizing he might need those skills someday.Emerald slowly walked towards her faithful workers with the intention of freeing them but quickly two of the traitors ran, perhaps with the intention of harming her or just to prevent her from freeing the rest of the workers. Emerald didn't care about that, with a quick movement. With her whip she hit one of them in the forehead and made him fall on his back from the blow, this made the other subject stop.
- Kill her!- One of the traitors shouted. Suddenly the rest of the traitors took the tools they had within reach and began to go towards the place where Emerald and Travis were.

Emerald moved her whip again and caught the other of the traitor's companions holding him by her neck. -Travis! I draw it and you hit! -, Emerald ordered and with a quick movement Emerald pulled it towards her only to be received by a blow to the abdomen from Travis's iron crowbar. - Well done Travis! Don't separate from me!-, Emerald crouched down and unrolled the tip of her whip from the traitor's neck in time to evade an attack with a pickaxe.

Emerald jumped back to put distance between herself and the attacker, swung her whip back and then forward with a quick flick of her wrist and in just an instant the tip of the traitor's ear was severed by the crack of Emerald's whip, -Demons!. I had aimed at your eye!-, Emerald said, frustrated by her aim.
Travis grabbed the traitor's clothes with one of his hands and threw him away from Emerald. He wanted to finish him off with a blow but in just a few seconds the rest of the traitors were close to them. Richard was even behind all the traitors. Travis didn't say anything and lunged at the nearest traitor brandishing his iron crowbar as if it were a sword. One of the traitors dodged Travis' attack and attacked him with an iron shovel but Travis used his iron crowbar to block the attack.

The attacker was stronger than Travis and pushed him back, Travis fell on his back and rolled back to stand up again and so he could see how that mercenary was like a huge gorilla in winter clothes. His hands shook with the power of the attack, Travis shook his hands to mitigate the pain and tightened his grip on his weapon again as a growing fighting spirit took over him. Travis adopted a defensive pose, he knew that he had to be faster with an enemy stronger than him if he wanted to achieve victory, "fast and lethal", Travis thought. A quick movement of his eyes and he could see how Richard held one of the traitors by the neck doing a wrestling movement, now he had rebelled as a person loyal to Emerald so now they had a little more help from the back .

-Travis! Stop distracting yourself and concentrate!-, Emerald shouted as she attacked someone else with her whip again, this time the traitor blocked the attack of the whip with her forearm. The craked had wrapped itself around her arm and smiled at Emerald thinking that she would be defenseless, but Emerald smiled and pulled the traitor with all her strength making him walk quickly towards her, she only had to step aside and put her foot on him to make him stumble and once on the floor of that place Emerald crushed his head with a powerful stomp.

- Stay away from our pregnant Boss! Damn traitors!-, It was the voice of Valery who launched herself against the traitors. Alondra stood next to Emerald holding one of the traitors' weapons in her hand. Veronica had managed to free her friends so she could help Emerald fight.

- Travis, let's finish this damn gorilla together-, Veronica said before attacking the traitor with a tackle-,That traitor tried to hit Veronica with the shovel but Veronica managed to catch the attack with her hands and Travis took advantage of the moment to attack him, hitting him on the head with the crowbar. -Well done Travis! One less-. Veronica said determined to finish off the rest of the traitors.

Valery was fighting with some of the traitors. She had no weapon and attacked only with the power of her knuckles.
One of the traitors wanted to hit her with a pickaxe but when he raised his weapon so he could hit her with full force, Emerald's whip cracked and wrapped around the wooden handle of the pickaxe and with a quick movement Emerald disarmed it. - I'll hold them and you'll break their heads Valery!-, Emerald said with a smile. Valery laughed and punched the traitor in the face.Travis slashed and parried his opponent's blows, thrusting the crowbar as opportunities presented themselves. He was quite the swordsman. Even though the bar in his hand was far from being a sword.Some of the traitors were already unconscious on the ground when the rest of the workers who remained loyal to Emerald managed to untie their ropes and join the battle and it was thanks to the teamwork of all the faithful workers that they managed to defeat all the traitor workers. Everyone celebrated the victory with shouts and congratulations to each other. Emerald sat on the floor exhausted and while she rubbed her pregnant belly she watched how her most faithful workers had helped her and together they had overcome and conquered adversity.
After a few minutes, the traitors found themselves tied and gagged with the same ropes with which they had tied the rest of the loyal workers. They were placed in a line on their knees and Emerald called the roll call of all those who had betrayed her, "You're fired," she mentioned to each of the traitorous workers who had tried to harm her colleagues and herself and her beautiful unborn daughter.

- Richy and Travis, make sure these traitors don't try to do something stupid-, Emerald said, giving Richard her gun, -The rest of you, let's go open the last sarcophagus!- Emerald walked as fast as she could to open the last stone sarcophagus.

It took more than an hour for the rest of the members of the expedition to be able to open the sarcophagus using their tools. They were about to abandon the idea of being able to open the sarcophagus when a strange sound was heard coming from inside, it was the sound of metal cutting something, after this sound everyone backed away scared, Emerald made sure that her team was okay before continuing to open the sarcophagus.

- The other two sarcophagi... When we opened did not make any sound like this-, Alondra said, feeling curious about what was hidden in that sarcophagus.

- Everyone be careful-, Emerald ordered. She along with the rest of her workers opened the sarcophagus and inside they found the mummified corpse of a child. He was wearing clothes that had previously been very fine but that were curiously torn, as if a beast had torn them inside that sarcophagus.
Emerald couldn't help but feel sad when she found that mummy in that place, she would have preferred a thousand times to find the mummy of an adult person in her place. She lowered her head and thought with all her might not to cry because of the pain she felt at that moment.
When Emerald examined the sarcophagus in more detail, she realized that there was a long scythe blade in a very strange device which had been activated to cut off the head of that mummy when someone opened the sarcophagus, an unusual and morbid discovery.

- Why on earth would they put this thing here?-, Luis asked when he looked at the cut that sharp metal blade had made on the boy's mummy's neck.

- To prevent him from waking up-, Emerald said, remembering old archaeological finds from Poland, -Maybe...-, Emerald took one of the pickaxes and very carefully introduced the tip into the mummy's mouth and when he did so he felt something hard that It prevented him from continuing to enter. -Interesting. "They didn't want you to come out, little boy"-, Emerald said, looking at the closed eyelids of the child's decapitated head, -Whoever put this child in the sarcophagus did it when the child died, I still don't know why he was murdered, but they placed him a rock in the mouth, donĀ“t worry that was post-mortem, and they also made sure that if someone or something opened the sarcophagus there would be a device that would decapitate him-.

- Why would they do something like that?- Veronica asked, feeling uncomfortable by what Emerald told her, she simply couldn't believe that there were such cruel people who could do that to a child and her corpse.

- The best method of elimination is prevention-, Emerald said, she took some photographs of the sarcophagi and the mummies and immediately began walking towards where she had left Richard, Travis and the rest of the traitor workers.

- Emerald?- Valery said following her friend and her pregnant boss, - What are you doing?. Shouldn't we investigate a little more?-

- We're leaving Valery. Right now! - Emerald said without stopping. -Take everything you have been able to gather from this investigation, it will have to be enough. We're leaving right now! I think we could be in danger if we don't leave-.

- What are you talking about?-, Alondra said without understanding what was happening.

- The mummies...-, Emerald said, starting to gasp from the effort she was making, - All the mummies... they have their clothes torn... as if they had... been made by a wild cat and on the lids of the mummies there are several marks of that evil eye that were made from within, even that of the child-.

- And what does that have to do with it?-, Valery said.

- I have little knowledge of "Upirology"... but even I know that we... we are in danger... We found clothes that were in perfect condition... There are no signs of violence... or more mummies... but the mummies we found... they have torn clothes and do not have a single visible wound ... and they also placed that device on the child... Do you understand why we should leave?-, Emerald didn't give any more explanations, her daughter was starting to move and kick her belly a lot but Emerald didn't stop for a single moment.
When they arrived with Richard, Travis and the traitors, Emerald ordered them to move, everyone had to leave the "Golden Palace" at that moment. Richard did not question Emerald's orders and obeyed immediately, making all the traitors walk as fast as they could.

They all walked back to camp but Emerald always stopped for a moment and looked back as if she felt someone was following them all so she urged all of her companions to continue. When they arrived at the camp their workers were about to enter their tents and rest but Emerald ordered them to continue. Everyone looked at her with tiredness and a little contempt. -"Has Emerald gone crazy?"- asked the guide, tired of walking.
Richard approached Emerald to talk to her, -"Em", we should rest, listen, it's 9:42pm and we...-.

- Richy, the mummies, his clothes were torn and there were no signs of violence and there was a device that decapitated the head of one of the mummies when we opened the sarcophagus. The cultists...they didn't want those mummies to come out-, Emerald said, looking straight into her eyes.

Richard understood it immediately and now he was also a little scared, - You heard our boss! Get up lazy people and let's get out of here! -.

- It's crazy, I'm going to sleep a little-, the guide said complaining.

- We're leaving-, Richard unholstered the gun and pointed it at the guide's head, -Now!-.

- You wouldn't dare shoot me!-, The guide said looking at Richard.

Emerald took the gun from Richard's hand and shot near the guide, -Maybe not him. But I will do it. Now obey!-.

The guide, terrified by what was happening, obeyed and soon everyone had put the camp in their backpacks and continued on their way to where they had left the sleds.
After three hours they had managed to reach where the sleds were, the wall of snow they had made had protected them from the weather.

- Very well, let's remove the snow wall so we can get out of... AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHGGG!!! NOOOO!!!-, Emerald remembered it and kicked the snow wall hard, full of fury, - Damn it! Gork and Mork take me!-

- Emerald! - Travis said, scared for his friend, - Is your baby coming?-.

- No! We forgot Jasper!- Emerald said angrily, - Alondra and Travis are in charge of getting the sleds out and preparing to leave, our destination is the weather station. Richard, you're coming with me, let's bring Jasper back-.

Richard obeyed and walked with Emerald back to the "Golden Temple". Emerald took the pink backpack from her again and put it on her back as she walked saying words of contempt to herself for having forgotten about Jasper.

Alondra and Travis were in charge of removing the wall of snow to be able to get out. It was a very difficult task since the storm had constantly added more snow to the wall until it created a long mountain of snow that was very difficult to remove. This task took them more than 2 hours, everyone was tired but they were able to rest a little when they removed the snow and put the sleds outside, ready to go. The wind was favorable for the sleds so when they left that place they could do so without having to push or pull the sleds with their legs, they just had to wait for their pregnant boss to return.

Time passed and Emerald and Richard still did not return. Travis looked at his watch and at that moment it was 4:21 am.
- Alondra, we must go look for them. Maybe something happened to them.

- I was about to tell you the same thing-. Alondra responded, getting off her sleigh. -Valery, come with Travis and me, let's go looking for Emerald-.

- We should have gone with her from the beginning, I don't like leaving our boss alone-, Valery said, her red eyes shining with anger.

- You're right, Valery-, Travis responded, - But...- Travis stopped, he heard footsteps in the distance, someone was running very fast towards where they were. That person suddenly stopped and then two shots from Emerald's gun rang out.

- We have to go! Those two are crazy!-, The guide shouted, getting on his sleigh and looking for shelter.

- Emerald!- Alondra shouted as she began to run towards where she heard the shots. Alondra, Travis and Valery ran as fast as they could but stopped when they saw Richard running towards them. His leg was wounded and his pants were soaked in blood and he was carrying Emerald's body between his arms.

- Let's get out!-, Richard shouted without stopping running towards them.

Valery began to yell at him and ask for explanations. Emerald was unconscious and had a wound on her head from which a lot of blood was coming out. Richard handed Emerald's body to Valery who carried her to one of the sleds while he returned to the place where he came from. He carried Emerald's pink backpack in his hand, opened it and looked inside for the detonator that Emerald had prepared earlier. Richard threw the backpack as far as he could and then shot one more time at something that only he could see at that moment and then ran to the sleds. -Travis! Unfold the sail of the sleighs! Let's go! Let's go! - Richard shouted desperately as he ran.

Travis didn't know what was happening, he wanted to move but seeing his friend in that state clouded his mind and he couldn't move.

- Travis...- Emerald said, opening one of her eyes a little, - Jasper... he wants to hug my daughter... he's cold... don't let him and the others... - These were the only ones words that Emerald managed to say before fainting again.

Travis unfurled the sleigh sails and everyone followed suit, soon all the sleighs were starting to move.


It was heard in the distance, everyone looked at each other, that scream was unnatural for any human or animal throat. Richard continued running as fast as he could, he wanted to turn around and see if the thing that was following him was still close, but he decided to take out the detonator and set off the explosives before managing to get on Travis's sled.
The Expedition group managed to leave that place after hearing the explosion of all the explosives and seeing how many rocks from the mountain fell blocking the entrance to the cave.

When Emerald woke up the first thing she did was touch her belly, she squeezed it a little and gave it small pats and the wait for her daughter to move inside her was eternal although it only took her two seconds to respond to her mother's encouragement. Emerald sighed in relief as she felt her daughter's kicks and movement. She was in a bed, her head hurt and she had a bandage around her head. It took her a few minutes to sit up and it took her a couple more minutes to get out of bed and remove the bandages from her head. Emerald put her winter clothes back on and left the room and immediately saw the rest of her expedition who were excited to see her again, everyone was there except Richard.
Alondra, Travis, Valery and Veronica hugged her lovingly and began to ask her about what had happened when she returned with Richard to look for Jasper but Emerald didn't say a word about it.
- My daughter is fine?-. It was the only thing he said, it was the only thing that mattered to her.

- Yes, the doctors here assured us that you and your daughter are fine-, Alondra responded.

Emerald smiled, she let many happy tears fall and walked outside, she needed fresh air. When she came out she saw Richard sitting on one of the sleighs. He looked towards the horizon towards the mountain from which they had escaped.
- Hello "Em" - Richard greeting.

- Richy-, Emerald said, -Thank you-.

- I would never leave you behind-. Her friend responded with a smile. Emerald saw that Richard looked very tired and he was, he hadn't been able to sleep well since they left that horrible place.

- Emerald-, Travis spoke with a little embarrassment, -What happened? And what happened to Jasper?.

- Travis...- Emerald leaned against a wall, -It's better for everyone that we never talk about that-, Emerald looked him in the eyes, swallowed and looked in the same direction as Richard, - Let's go back to our families-.