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50 ways to annoy CP9

How to annoy the CP9 in 5O lessons only. 1. When you meet Kaku yell "hey Pinochio, What's up?!". 2. Sing "Who let the dogs out?" in front of Jyabura. 3. Open and Close Fukurou's mouth several times and run away. 4. Jump in the bathroom when Kalifa is bathing, take photos and yell "SEXUALL HARRASEMENT!!!" before her. 5. Cut Off Kumadori's hair while he sleeps. 6. When he tries to find out who did that to him, point Fukurou. 7. Watch Fukurou getting beaten up. 8. Shove a bone in Jyabura's plate at lunchtime. 9. Run in Enies Lobby yelling that Lucci has fleas. 10. Hand Spandam a playboy magazine and say you found it in his bed while cl