JordanAnthonyTreloar - Professional, Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Frank and the Squeaky Window (The Oz Kids version)

[Later that night, Frank is going to bed. Frank in his light blue nightdress, while barefooted and Frank is in his room, lying in his hammock and imagining counting sheep jumping one-by-one over the hurdles like counting sheep] [all of a sudden, the pair of squeaky boots jumps over the hurdles. He opens his eyes] Frank Diggs: Wha? Who's there? [realizing there was nothing wrong] Heh-heh... [fluffs his pillow] [Frank Diggs shrugs; then rests his head on his pillow] Frank Diggs: [closes his eyes again and imagines coins jumping] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... [the boots appear again; Frank opens his eyes again] What in the world is that? Uh? [He sees that the bedroom window is opening and shutting by itself.] Frank Diggs: Ugh! [Frank Diggs closes the window and gets back into his hammock, but notices the window has opened again. He walks back across the room to close it but trips on his feet, stumbles and falls out the window in the process. He makes utterances of falling. He comes back to run up the