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LiteratureThe Yokis (Chapter 2)THE YOKIS (CHAPTER 2) McMurdo admired the breathtaking view that unfolded at his feet. It was at the top of the mountain, just at the highest point of the narrow road before descending a little further and finally arriving at the small town of New Edinburgh. Behind him, stood a caravan of pack animals: the neblis were sturdy and hardy beasts, capable of carrying large quantities of goods in their saddlebags. In that remote mountainous region, where there were no highways, only these animals were able to cross that narrow and tortuous path, enduring the low temperatures and without fear of falling down the deep precipices that opened up along the way. New Edinburgh was the most important city in the region of New Scotland: an immense territory, north of the planet Nebu, almost all of which was occupied by huge mountains covered with perpetual snow. When the first settlers from Earth arrived on that forgotten planet, they divided the territories among themselves, as best they could.The Yokis

LiteratureLos Yokis (Capitulo 2)LOS YOKIS (CAPÍTULO 2) McMurdo admiró la impresionante vista que se desplegaba a sus pies. Se encontraba en lo alto de la montaña, justo en el punto más alto que alcanzaba el estrecho camino antes de descender un poco más y llegar, finalmente, a la pequeña ciudad de Nueva Edimburgo. Detrás de él, se encontraba una caravana de animales de carga: los neblis eran bestias robustas y resistentes, capaces de llevar grandes cantidades de mercancías en sus alforjas. En aquella remota región montañosa, donde no había carreteras, sólo esos animales eran capaces de atravesar ese estrecho y tortuoso sendero, soportando las bajas temperaturas y sin miedo a caerse por los profundos precipicios que se abrían a lo largo del camino. Nueva Edimburgo era la ciudad más importante de la región de Nueva Escocia: un inmenso territorio, al norte del planeta Nebu, cuya práctica totalidad estaba ocupada por enormes montañas cubiertas de una nieve perpetua. Cuando los primeros colonos procedentes de la TierraLos Yokis

LiteratureThe Twin Giantesses Chapter 1THE TWIN GIANTESSES CHAPTER ONE There were once two twins, named Rebecca and Esther, who, as soon as they were born, already grew very quickly. When they were babies, they were already the size of six-year-old children. As they grew, their size was taking terrifying proportions. They couldn't go to school, because they were so big that they didn´t fit through the door. They also didn't fit in the family mansion. Fortunately, his parents were millionaires. With their great fortune, they found a solution for their daughters. They bought a desert island, in a very isolated place, in the Pacific Ocean, away from the trade routes. There theyThe twin giantesses

LiteratureLas gigantas gemelas parte 1LAS GIGANTAS GEMELAS. UN CUENTO DE GIGANTAS (EN ESPAÑOL). Hubo una vez dos gemelas, llamadas Rebeca y Esther, que, nada más nacer, ya crecieron muy rápidamente. Cuando eran bebés, ya tenían el tamaño de niños de seis años. A medida que fueron creciendo, su tamaño fue tomando proporciones aterradoras. No podían ir a la escuela, porque eran tan grandes que no cabían por la puerta. Tampoco cabían en la mansión familiar. Afortunadamente, sus padres eran millonarios. Con su gran fortuna, encontraron una solución para sus hijas. Compraron una isla desierta, en un lugar muy aislaLas gigantas gemelas