DoD3 - It's Time by Jube-Squared on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Jube-Squared's avatar

Published: Jan 15, 2014


What are titles. I have to think of them for so long, just like when Prof. Oak asks if you're a boy or a girl and what your name is. Went with what Zero says to Mikhail at the end of the TGS trailer.

So. One day, I wanted to draw dragons and then decided to draw Mikhail but then Zero came along too, so I sketched these two out. Sketch became more detailed and then I painted the whole thing < v > Usually I use SAI but since I only have my macbook atm, I'm stuck with Photoshop. I've been wanting to practice painting in PS but after this, I still don't really like it because it doesn't really blend colours; it overlaps them instead. I should try getting my hands on Corel Painter and see how it feels...

Either way, this turned out well and I'm rather satisfied with it 8>

Drag-On Dragoon 3/Drakengard 3 (c) SquareEnix
Art (c) :iconjube-squared:

Image size

550x712px 341.76 KB