I report Twilight 'art' by juliaGENOCIDE on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

juliaGENOCIDE's avatar

Published: Mar 21, 2009


If you can't tell, I hate Twilight with a passion. Therefore, I made this stamp. I'd use it if I had a subby, but I don't so whatever. :shrug:

When I have nothing to do I just search Twilight and go to new deviations. About 75% of the new deviations are just Twilight screen shots chopped together, or a picture of the Twilight cover with a heart drawn on it, or a picture of Edward and Bella with the person who made the photos face photoshopped onto Bella. It's really sad if you think about it.
I report them all. BECAUSE IT'S FUNNY. :lol: I have about 15 attack journals floating around on the internet about me because I reported their stolen art. And I, personally. think it's hilarious. It also means more page views for me. <3