Happy Usagi by JuneDuck21 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

JuneDuck21 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/juneduck21/art/Happy-Usagi-880920984JuneDuck21

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JuneDuck21's avatar

Published: May 28, 2021


A famous moment with Usagi in my style as a sticker.
Hey... Sailor Moon fans! Please tell me what kind of food is Usagi eating here? How it's called?Sweating a little...

Image size

2372x2892px 835.58 KB

Fabrice234's avatar

Scooby: (licks his lips at the rice ball) Usagi: (splits it into half for her and Scooby to share) Scooby: (eats half of the rice ball while Usagi eats her half) Usagi: (hugs Scooby for being a friend to her) Scooby: Raww! Re-he-he-he! Usagi: (giggles as well)