Puck - Harvest Lunatone App by k-times-two on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Harvest-Lunatone application! It's been forever since (a.) I had the free time for RP and (b.) refer to (a).

But this summer I have time! And I'm gonna make it work, so help me!

Name: Puck
Age: 24
Gender: Neutrois (they/them pronouns)
Pokemon: Rotom
Height: 5'8"
Bodystyle: Pear
Birthday: February 5th
Home Island: Mystery IsleAbility: Levitate
Moveset: Trick // Confide // Dream Eater // Shadow Ball

( + ) decisive, independent, optimistic, friendly, playful, restless
( - ) stubborn, anti-authoritarian, naïve, can come on strongly, has a hard time slowing down or taking things seriously

Puck is always on the go-- it seems like they're always searching for something to keep themselves busy with. Whether that's exploring the islands, trying to teach Mareep to march in formation, or flitting from social group to social group, Puck is there to keep things interesting. They're just as much at ease trying out something new as following the beaten path: they're the type prone to taking "shortcuts", if only because it's the road less traveled on. Nevermind that it adds two hours to the hour-long route.

More than anything, Puck likes to keep their options open. Personal freedom is of utmost importance to them: they can easily feel cornered and trapped, and they'll do their best to avoid situations that make them feel as such. So while being in an actual corner might be just fine, an intervention would make them run for the hills.

When stressed, Puck will often form words with their electricity instead of speaking.
History: While Puck seemed a normal baby, growing up was difficult for them. Selectively mute from a young age, the difficult times were even moreso as the people around them became frustrated with Puck's (what seemed impish) bouts of muteness. And while the doctors said that Puck would grow out of it, they never did. Certain folks Puck just couldn't talk to, and it was well into their eighth year of life before they learned that they could manipulate their ghostly field into letters.

Speaking of their ghostly field, Puck's totem Pokemon wasn't exactly common, either. Having grown up in a rural area, their totem helped them stick out like a sore thumb-- and as a result, they were bullied for much of their youth. Puck wasn't alone, but they were lonely and hurting for a long time.

When it came time to expect their first menstruation (the family had a history of early bloomers), Puck's parents waited. And waited. And eventually, Puck's mother became frightened of waiting for so long, and took Puck into a doctor. Youth had obscured the symptoms, but Puck was born with androgen insensitivity syndrome-- rendering them infertile. Puck's parents, not willing to accept this reality for their baby, moved to the city: and thus began a barrage of medical exams and visits that Puck remembers in more detail than they really care to.

Slowly but surely, Puck's parents' meddling drove a wedge between all three. It was around this time that Puck began their rebellion: friends their parents would never have approved of, skipping school, staying out late... At first, it wasn't anything but a way to escape their parents' controlling clutches. But as Puck began to grow older and see more of life, the more Puck resented the future their parents wanted for them.

So Puck ran. Ran from their parents, from the doctors, from the 'future' where babies were supposed to happen. They changed their name and left their old life behind.

Capable, hardworking, and opportunistic (and relatively old when they ran away), Puck was able to couchsurf among their friends while doing odd jobs, saving up a little here and a little there until they had enough for a small... something. While helping out over the summer at a small ranch just outside of the city, someone mentioned Raccolto, and, well-- ranching wasn't too bad. With a few essentials as a gift from that ranch, Puck left for Mystery Isle, ready to start a new chapter in their life.

Talents: Woodcarving, engine repair, petsitting, the use of duct tape to fix things you would not believe
Funfacts: Bullet Blue They're an enneagram type 7 with an 8 wing
Bullet Orange Current goals: Make friends! Figure out ranching. Find sheep to ranch. Ranch future sheep.
Bullet Blue Doctors tend to wig them out. They're extremely prone to avoiding doctors until they actually need emergency care... which is really not good for them, honestly.
Bullet Orange While their general education may not be as strong as that of others, they're decently well-versed in practical skills: the basics of plumbing, how to care for a garden, re-shingling roofs, how to not attract police attention when you're breaking curfew, how to sleep just about anywhere, how to find food when you don't have money, etc.
Bullet Blue Their wardrobe is small but versatile. Good quality, meant to last, but not all that much of it.
Bullet Orange Extremely fond of plush carpets.

Job: Rancher
Ranch Name: Dreaming of Electric Sheep Ranch

Currently, the ranch is a run-down mess. While Puck dreams of fields teeming with Mareep, it'd probably be a good idea to fix the holes in the barn's roof. And the gaps in the fences.

And maybe also cleaning up the place in general would be good.

Dog Race: Furfrou
Dog's name: Reginald
Dog’s gender: Male


Bullet; Black reviles
:bulletred: dislikes
:bulletwhite: acquaintances
:bulletyellow: friends
:bulletgreen: closest companions
:bulletblue: loved ones

Star! respects
🌹 is sweet on
:heart: in love with
damphyr protective of
Skull and Crossbones rivals

Matilda - :bulletyellow: - Otato-Otato - Nice, but maybe a bit naïve.
Lucky (Faith) - :bulletyellow: - birdmir - Tricksy! I like it!
Spencer - :bulletwhite: - KayVeeDee - Kid's got spunk!
Peter - :bulletwhite: - birdmir - I'd call him "Pete" but I get the feeling he'd scowl at that...
Annie - :bulletwhite: - Vee4Valentine - Fireworks lady??? Inquire further.
Joseph - :bulletwhite: - Daps101 - Mentioned something about pie. Note to self: "Happen" to be nearby when pie is being baked.

icon thumbnail code: :thumb558136088: