kagura-deadly-beauty - Hobbyist, Photographer | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


A Dragon similar to Blue eyes White Dragon?

Chapter 16: She looks like my Blue Eyes White Dragons! 3rd POV: After Volt fled and Blaze calms down, The flames that surrounded both herself and Seto die down allowing the C.E.O and everyone else to see her properly. Yugi's POV: After seeing Volt flee the area, after the White Stone Kaiba had turned into a creature that none of us had seen before, the flames died down and reveals the beast that created them appearing before us. " Hey Yugi, doesn't that creature over there look like the White Dragon from the exhibit in the museum?" Asked Tristan. " Hey yeah, it does look like dat Dragon from those murals." Joey agrees. " I can't believe it.... is it really the Dragon that fought Volt so many years ago according to the scriptures that we saw Yugi?" Téa says sounding astonished. ' It is guys..' I reply not giving too much thought in my words at the moment. Then all of a sudden I am hit with flashbacks of dreams I had several nights ago... ( Flashback to the part of Yugi's dream where he supposedly sees Blaze and Seto.) When I enter the room the flames start to die down as if whatever is up here is giving itself the ability to find out who is treading in its territory. Walking closer being cautious of the inferno,I look up to notice there is a Dragon right in front of my eyes. ( Flashback end) I remember seeing the Dragon right in front of me in my dreams, the flames making it difficult to see but, I did identify it having a pure white body and pure blue eyes. Just like the Dragon that stands a good 20 feet away from my friends and I. ( Flashback continues after the colors of the Dragon were identified) Glancing down and away from the White Dragon I notice there is a silhouette of a person just in front of the Dragon but not anywhere near the still raging flames that seem to have came from the creature... ( Flashback ends) When I saw the person in the dream it was unrecognizable at the time, but now that I look back on it I did see the figure wear a white jacket with  black clothes underneath it. So the person I saw in my dream was in fact Kaiba! " Hey Yuge, What's the matta why are you are spaced out like dat?" Joey asks breaking me out of my thoughts. I look to the other two and see that they seem to be thinking the same thing Joey is and I decided to tell them about the dreams that I had about a half a week or so earlier.... 3rd POV: " WHAAAT?!?" Joey, Tristan, and Téa exclaim simultaneously. " Why didn't you tell us dis earlier Yugi?!" Joey asked more than startled. " Yea... sorry for not telling you guys earlier but I kind of forgot myself until now to be honest..." Yugi said sweat dropping with his hand behind his head, a guilty smile upon his face. Mean while with Blaze and Seto... Blaze's POV: After calming down and having had my flames dissipate I used my newly regained strength and power to transform into my "human" form and I turned to Seto and got to finally see with my own eyes what he looks like... 'Wow..., he looks so much different from what I have previously thought... he's taller than I am too.' I think to myself. 'I really like the jacket he has on, I wonder if I can find or have one custom-made to my personality and what my Dragon form looks like.... oh and maybe a light blue jewel pendant choker to go with it.' I also think to myself already thinking of things to do now that I have awakened. I then realize that Seto has not moved in a while so I walk up to him until we are a foot apart and I glance up to him and ask him if he's alright. Seto's POV: After almost being electrocuted by that crazy Dragon named Volt, Blaze awakens from her Light Stone form and transforms into the Dragon that she had told me about the first few days after we "met" saving my life in the process. When I saw what she looked like though I couldn't help but find myself staring at her feeling more than bewildered and surprised to see how much she looks like my most beloved Duel Monsters card. The Blue eyes White Dragon! 3rd POV: " I can't believe it you look like my Blue eyes White Dragon..."  Seto says still amazed and bewildered, Yugi and the others silently agreeing in the background. " Oh, what is a Blue eyes White Dragon? I've never seen or heard of one where I am from." Blaze asked wondering why she has never heard of this type of Dragon before. " I will tell you about it and show you later..." Seto says still struggling to get a hold of himself. After a few moments when things settle down... Seto returned to somewhat acting like himself and invites Blaze back to his mansion, telling her that there is someone that he would like her to meet. He then calls his brother and tells him to meet him there. ( time skip) When they make it back to the Kaiba mansion Mokuba is already there looking out the windows waiting for his brother to come back and is relieved to see him unharmed when he gets there. Seto's POV: When Blaze and I walk through the door I am immediately greeted by Mokuba who looks extremely relieved to see that I have not been harmed. " Seto! I'm so glad that you are here safe and sound!" Mokuba says smiling. That smile then fades and becomes a look of confusion when he turns his attention to the Whitette Dragon woman beside me. I too then turn my attention to her to find her smiling most likely ecstatic to have finally been able to have met myself and Mokuba in person outside of her dormant state. " Umm... Seto if you don't mind me asking, I was wondering.... Who is she? I have never seen her before. Which reminds me where is the Light Stone...,I don't see it with you?" Mokuba asked at a pace that seems like a mile a minute. " Why don't you ask her yourself, she has been waiting to meet you since you last talked to her.' I told him. " You mean she is the..." Mokuba started to say but trailed off. I then look over at Blaze again to see her nodding with a gentle smile widening across her facial features. She then kneels down and says; " Your suspicions are correct I am the one from the Light Stone, my name is Blaze Dragon. It's nice to finally meet you and your brother face to face without the use of my powers." Mokuba continues to stare with a blank expression until a huge smile spreads across his face and begins to get excited, all the while starting to ask questions, not before saying; " I can't believe that you are actually here and that I am actually able to communicate with you! This is awesome!! I also heard that you look really similar to my brother's Blue eyes White Dragon! We are going to get along so well! I can't wait to get to know you better, we will be the best of friends before you know it Blaze!" " Wow that reaction is so much more different then yours Seto... your brother is so energetic and adorable!" Blaze says laughing a little causing Mokuba to blush at her reaction of him. I just stand there happy to know that there is someone that Mokuba and even myself can hopefully truly and finally get along with. I just can't believe Blaze is the first friend I have allowed myself to make so easily. " Hey Blaze." Mokuba says getting Blaze's attention. " Hmm?" Blaze responds looking down at him. " Let me show you around, I know you have been wanting to since you really could not do so very well in your Light Stone form." My brother offers to which Blaze accepts and he tells her to follow him. 'Blaze doesn't have anywhere else to go does she?' I think to myself. Well I have already decided a long time ago that I would be inviting her to stay. I guess I will when Mokuba is done showing her around. ( Time Skip) When Mokuba finally finishes giving Blaze a tour around the mansion I walk up to them and pull the Dragonette aside and ask her to stay telling her that I know she has nowhere else to go, she was a bit hesitant at first but agreed nonetheless also knowing about her current situation. I then show her to one of the guestrooms that I have deemed her room now, not knowing that she will be up all night due to having been asleep all this time. ( Time Skip) 3rd POV: The next morning Blaze walks out of her new room still getting accustomed to her new and exciting life on a new planet despite knowing that her enemy is still out there and is greeted by Mokuba who says that Seto is at Kaiba Corp. if she wanted to know and was told by his brother himself to take the day to get to know her. So the first thing they did was go to the dining room and get some breakfast. In the dining room... "So Blaze what did you want for breakfast?" Asks Mokuba. " Umm... actually Mokuba, my kind doesn't  really need to eat." Blaze says not wanting to give her new friend the wrong idea. " Oh? Why not?" Mokuba asks confused. " Uhh, how do I put this without you freaking out..." Blaze replies not sure how to explain her eternal lifestyle. " It won't freak me out I promise, the worst that will happen is that I will be a little speechless." The younger Kaiba brother insists reassuring the unsure Dragon. Blaze then sighs and flashes a look to him that says that she is not too enthralled by this but will tell him anyway. " Mokuba the reason why I don't really need to eat anything and this goes for many other things people need to stay alive is because I am immortal." The Dragon woman explains hoping that Mokuba won't take it the wrong way. Due to the explanation the younger male in front of her just stares at her with wide eyes and a blank emotionless expression making Blaze once again sigh and say " I knew this would..." only to be cut off when Mokuba shouts; " YOU'RE IMMORTAL!?! THAT IS AWESOME!!!" Freaking out, Blaze then tells him to keep quiet about it and that the only other person that can find out is his brother unless she finds that she can trust someone else with a secret that big and Mokuba agrees to keep it between himself ,his brother, and Blaze. After breakfast Mokuba takes Blaze to his room and he introduces her to video games in which she very quickly learns how to play and eventually has fun, already  figuring out her favorite genres. " Oh wow! How are you so good at this game already?! And this is one of my favorite games too!" Mokuba exclaims shocked since he was beaten at one of his favorite games 11 times in a row. " To be honest with you I really have not a clue myself. Say what is this game called again?" Blaze asks still not sure herself. " The game is called rush 2 Blaze, it may be an old Nintendo 64 game but it's still one of my favorites." Mokuba informs her still in shock from not winning a single game yet. " Oh well, then I am sure I have found one of my favorite genres, I believe you called it a racing game right?" Blaze questions for confirmation. " Yep." Was Mokuba's reply. ( Time skip) Later that evening Seto comes home from Kaiba Corp. and is now on the lookout for his new Dragon friend and his brother only to find them in his brother's room playing the same video game from earlier since Mokuba still hasn't given up on beating Blaze at it yet. " Mokuba have you and Blaze been in here all this time?" Seto asks taken aback. Mokuba then pauses the game and both him and Blaze look over at Seto and Mokuba says; " Yup, ever since I introduced a bunch of video games to Blaze and then got to this one a little after 1:30 this afternoon, I haven't been able to beat her on this one and I've been challenging her to rematches ever since and every single time she beat me!" "......And is this her first time playing?" Seto asks a little more than impressed. " Yes, and it still shocks me too, believe me." Blaze says answering the question truthfully. " Well damn...." Seto says even more impressed with the female Dragon. " Well any who, Blaze,I want you to come with me to living room I want to ask you some questions to see if I can learn more about you that I do not already know, since believe it or not I consider you as a friend." Seto admits shocking Mokuba, who then had a bright smile knowing that his brother had finally given in and made a friend for a change. " You know Seto, I was actually going to ask you the same thing." Blaze tells her friend  letting him know that she agrees. " Perfect! Then let's go shall we?" Seto says satisfied with her answer. ( Time Skip) Later that night... " You know you never told me what that Blue eyes White Dragon is yet..." Blaze says in a disappointed tone. "I must have forgotten, sorry Blaze. Here this is what the Blue eyes White Dragon looks like." Seto said taking out one of the three Blue eyes in his Deck and showing it to her. " .... It does look kinda similar to me doesn't it? Blaze says with some of her native accent coming through to which Seto doesn't catch on to. " Yes, it does, I still think that it's very amazing..." He says still completely amazed about it. After that Blaze then turned to go to her room. " Blaze hold on a moment." Seto called out to Blaze as she was getting ready to go to her room  to get some rest for the night since that is one of the things that she does do to keep her energy and power flowing efficiently. " Hm? What is it?" Blaze asks turning back around to face him. " Here. I almost I forgot to give this back to you." Seto Replies holding the Silver Millennium Dragon Crystal in his hand. " My Crystal..!!" Blaze says happy to see it again and Seto hands it over the She Dragon who happily obtains it from him. " Thank you Seto, I appreciate you keeping it safe for me while I was in my Light Stone form." Blaze thanked him expressing her gratitude. " It was no problem" he replies back. " I must apologize for everything you went through though..." Blaze said becoming a bit guilty. " Like I said it's not a problem, I have to admit I was happy to do so and I will help you again with anything that you may need." The young C.E.O assures. " For a matter of fact I'd like to see what it can really do now that you are awake." Seto almost pleads. Blaze then agrees and shows him and his brother who had happened to be present at the time a little of what it can do showing them that that it can control  time in short intervals and that it can create small rifts in the fabric of space that can grow larger depending on where the person using it wants to go. After the presentation of the Crystal's power the three of them say their good nights and head off to bed to be ready for a new and possibly, for Blaze, exciting things the next morning. A/ N: Hello, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I would really like to see what your thoughts are in the comments and please use constructive criticism if there are some mistakes. I hope you have a good day/ Night and I will talk to you later. Until then my Sol Dragons. Blaze The Reshiram signing off.