Unwind's profile by Kaleidoscopic-Yarn on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Your deviantART Username : Kaleidoscopic-Yarn
Name of Character : Unwind
Age of Character : 19
Gender of Character : Neither, though refers to himself as a male
Height / Length of Character : 6 in to 6’7’’
Weight of Character : .5 lbs to 15 lbs
Skin Tone / Color of Character : Ivory
Eye Color of Character : N/A
Body Type of Character : Thin and lanky, with hollow insides
Hair Color of Character : Black and gold
Hair Style of Character : His hair is a short bob style that falls over his face down to his nose. Half of his hair is black in color, while the other half is gold.
Tops Worn by Character : black and white sweater style jumpsuit with a turtle neck
Bottoms Worn by Character : Jump suit bottom. Stripped, with a large zipper from the very bottom up to his pelvis. Usually unzipped, but can be zipped together to make his pants all one piece.
Footwear Worn by Character : Pump sbottom wedges with a thinly stripped heel and a stripped tounge. Red laces.
Hats Worn by Character : Stripped tophat that sits at an angle and droops over.
Other Worn by Character : He wears along white trench coat with black short sleeves that uncoil with his skin. When his skin is coiled, they loosely stay together with gaps in between showing his skin.
Common Outfit Worn by Character : He always wears his tophat and trench coat, but underneath he switches from a dress shirt and stripped pants to his stripped jump suit.
Personality of Character : Hes somewhat friendly, although he can be accidentally insulting occasionally. When facing a girl, he can be teasing and faux flirt, but when presented to a guy he just loves to mindfuck. When with friends he gets laid back and relaxed. He seems almost bored most of the time.

Physical Biography
This depends on what you are and how you look as that particular thing. You shall use the format above to list additional details of your creaturely form below.

Species/Type of Character : Unwindling
Extra growths protruding out of Character : Spikes along his spine
Coloration and Shape Teeth and/or Claws of Character : Sharp white teeth. His nails are usually painted red.
Coloration and Shape of Tongue and/or Gums of Character : light green gums and a thin forked tongue. However, he only uses these things to talk, as he has no insides.
Specific Markings on Character : He has black Xs along his mouth
Facial Features of Character : His mouth his longer then humans, but the rest of his features are either unnoticeable or non-existent. He has no eyes.
Bodily Features of Character : Spikes along his spine, with pointed dragon like toes. His legs and arms are nimble and smooth. His torso is straight and not very muscled.
Unique Traits of Character : Other then the eyeless-ness I can’t really think of anything.

Kelacaolican Information
Additional Game Information shall be included here. This is for the chatroom.

Category : Shapeshifter

Additional Information

Nickname(s) : none
Abilities of Character : He can uncoil and recoil his body as if it were made of ribbons, or as if he were a spring. He can change size, and switch between a humanoid and a springy form. The smallest he can be is six inches, and the tallest is 6’7’’. He can also play the piano and dance.
Occupation(s) : Entertainer
Possession(s) : He has a red gem on a gold chain he keeps on him all the time. Sometimes he wears it. Its thought to be his soil.
Inventory :
- 200 coins
- A sack
- A miniture toy piano with working keys
- doll clothes replicas of his normal clothing.
- a pair of scissors
Weapon(s) : He likes to fight with his feet, and his fists. Some times he uses sticks or staffs for defending but he doesn’t actually own any. When in his mini form, he uses a pair of scissors to fight with.
Pet(s) : An albino dwarf crocodile does his bidding
Family / Friend(s) : N/A
Likes : He rarely eats, as he has no need to but when he does it tends to be toys and non-edible things. His favorite food is porcelain cats. He really likes people who can sing, or dance. He has dreams of being in a band.
Dislikes : Anything the color yellow, snooty people and those who steal his hat. He isn’t very fond of boys who take advantage of his female friends.
Strengths / Talents : His lanky legs and unchanging physic keep him fairly fast. He’s skilled at playing the piano, especially miniature plastic ones in his small form. He’s also skilled at sewing.
Weaknesses / Flaws / Fears : He can be very obnoxious to the point where people hate being around him. He accidentally insults people and hurts them without meaning to or even realizing it. He’s cool looking, but that’s all he really has going for him. With his awkwardly shaped body and inability to have children, he’s never been really good and reeling girls in. His deepest fear is the ever cliché fear of death. He feels that because he’s not human, and because he is merely suspended by magic he can’t move on after death. He doesn’t want to ever stop living because of this fear.
Character Theme Song(s) : ( The maximum amount of theme songs is five. )
Brief History / Background Story : Unwind is from a place far out and isolated from the mainland. In this town, dolls were only bought for people you disliked, and were usually hidden somewhere in their house. Dolls were modeled after Unwind’s species, the unwindlings. These were magically suspended dolls that when left alone came to life and caused trouble in the house. Some went as far as choking the family pet or a small child that was left alone. Unwind had snuck on a cargo ship heading out to Kelacao to bring in tropical fruits found on the island.
Reference(s) :

Other : He doesn’t currently have a home but he’s looking for one.