Lois Lane: A Day as Superwoman (Part 3) by KarissaR23 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

As the day progressed, Lois Lane felt a mix of exhilaration and apprehension. The experience of flying and using Superman's powers was incredible, but she couldn't shake the worry that people might recognize her alongside Superman.

"What if people figure out it's me?" she asked Superman as they hovered over Metropolis, watching the city below.

"Don't worry about that," Superman reassured her. "No one would ever suspect you of having superpowers, even for a day. Besides, your new suit and the way you fly will keep your identity safe."

Lois nodded, trusting him, but eager to do something significant while she still had the powers. As if on cue, her super-hearing picked up a distress call: a jet fighter had malfunctioned and was heading towards Metropolis. The situation was dire, with the jet attacking random targets.

"Superman, there's a jet fighter attacking the city. I want to handle it," Lois said, determination in her voice.

Superman hesitated. "Lois, it could be dangerous. There might be collateral damage, and people could get hurt."

"I can do this," Lois insisted. "Let me prove it."

Seeing the resolve in her eyes, Superman nodded. "Alright, but be careful. I'll handle any emergencies on the ground."

Lois took off at lightning speed, her heart pounding with excitement and a touch of fear. She spotted the rogue jet fighter, one of Lex Luthor's AI-controlled planes, firing missiles wildly. It was causing chaos, with buildings damaged and people in danger.

Superman was already on the scene, rescuing people from a burning skyscraper struck by one of the jet's missiles. Lois focused on the jet, knowing she had to stop it quickly.

As the jet locked onto her, it launched a barrage of missiles. Lois deftly dodged them, her super-speed making it seem effortless. She unleashed her heat vision, destroying the missiles mid-air. The jet veered towards her, but she was faster. With a powerful burst of speed, she closed the distance, grabbing the jet and ripping out its control pod. She guided the now-lifeless plane to the ground, landing it safely in an empty park.

Lois took a moment to catch her breath, still marveling at the ease with which she handled the situation. Superman joined her, having rescued everyone from the burning building.

"That was amazing, Lois," he said, his admiration clear.

"I never got used to how fast I am," Lois replied, smiling.

They returned to the Fortress of Solitude, the day's events playing through their minds. Superman had another surprise for her.

"Lois, there's something I need to tell you," he said, a serious expression on his face. "I'm Clark Kent."

Lois stared at him, a mix of shock and realization dawning. "I always suspected," she admitted, a smile spreading across her face.

Superman smiled back, relief and happiness evident. "I wanted you to know the truth, especially after everything we've experienced today."

They spent the night together in the Fortress of Solitude, the bond between them stronger than ever. With both of them having superpowers, their connection felt even more profound. As they held each other close, they truly made the earth move, the intensity of their emotions and the power they wielded creating a night to remember.