karnage70 User Profile | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Janet's passions

Janet gazed at her reflection in the mirror, admiring the subtle curve of her belly under the oversized t-shirt. The soft, rounded shape pushed out just enough to stretch the fabric, a gentle reminder of her recent experiment with boba soda. She placed her hand on her belly, tracing the small arc with her fingers. The sensation of her belly rounding out like that, mimicking pregnancy, gave her a thrill she couldn’t quite explain. It felt powerful. At 23, Janet was slim, effortlessly beautiful, and radiated a quiet confidence. Her deep brown skin was flawless, and her naturally curly hair framed her face, making her look even younger than she was. But lately, she had developed a fascination—one she kept mostly to herself. She liked to make her belly round and full, to the point where someone might mistake her for pregnant. It wasn’t something she was ready to tell her friends or family, but in her quiet moments, the sensation was intoxicating. As she stood there in the small, dimly lit room, Janet pulled her t-shirt up just enough to expose her belly. She admired the way it jutted out slightly, giving her slim frame an unexpected fullness. The feeling of her belly growing round from bloating made her feel feminine and sensual in a way she had never expected. She had always been a little obsessed with pregnant women, envying how they carried their bumps proudly. Now, in her own way, she was getting a taste of that experience. Janet slipped her hand lower, caressing the tightness of her skin, enjoying how it stretched under her touch. There was something undeniably powerful about it. She turned sideways, arching her back slightly to make her belly look even more pronounced. It was still small, just a gentle curve compared to the large, round pregnant bellies she admired in others. But she knew she could make it bigger—much bigger. A part of her reveled in the idea of being seen like this. When she bloated her belly, it felt as though she was tapping into a side of herself that had always been hidden. She felt stronger, more confident. And though she had never admitted it to anyone, there was something undeniably sensual about it. Janet loved the idea that someone might mistake her for being pregnant, that they would see her full, round belly and assume she was carrying a life inside of her. The thought sent a tingle through her. --- Later that day, Janet met up with a few friends at a local cafe. She wore her favorite high-waisted leggings and a snug tank top, deliberately choosing the outfit because of how it clung to her body and emphasized her belly. She hadn’t bloated it yet, but she had plans. As her friends chatted around her, Janet sipped her usual drink—a large boba soda, her go-to for these kinds of experiments. She could feel the carbonation working its magic, the bubbles expanding in her stomach, making her feel fuller. As the minutes passed, her belly began to swell ever so slightly. She kept her hand resting casually on her stomach, as if by instinct, and smiled as her friends talked, unaware of what was happening. By the time they got up to leave, Janet’s belly had bloated enough to make her look a little pregnant. She felt the familiar pressure building inside her, the gentle curve now a firm, noticeable bump beneath her clothes. She relished in the way her belly pushed against the waistband of her leggings, making her movements feel slower, heavier. Her friend Maya glanced at her, a curious look on her face. “You okay, Janet? You’ve been drinking a lot of those boba teas lately.” Janet shrugged with a coy smile, resting a hand on her belly and pushing it out a little more. “Yeah, I guess I just really like them,” she said, brushing off the comment casually. In truth, the idea that Maya had noticed her belly made Janet’s heart race with excitement. She caught her reflection in the cafe’s large window, watching how her bloated belly stuck out under her tank top, and for a moment, she wondered if anyone else thought she looked pregnant. --- That evening, Janet went home, still feeling the effects of the boba soda. Her belly was round and taut, just the way she liked it. She stripped down to her underwear and stood in front of her mirror again, staring at her reflection. The tightness in her belly was oddly satisfying, making her feel grounded and confident. She ran her hands over the smooth curve of her skin, feeling the tension beneath her fingertips. The feeling was undeniable—it was sexy. Janet had never thought about pregnancy or her body in that way before, but there was something deeply sensual about the way her belly swelled and how it transformed her slim frame. It made her feel like she was in control, like she had power over her body in a way she hadn’t felt before. She arched her back slightly, her round belly jutting out even more prominently. The tension in her skin, the fullness inside her—it was all part of the experience she craved. Janet leaned forward, pressing her belly against the cool surface of the mirror, her lips parting slightly as she felt the pressure increase. A small burp rose in her throat, and she quickly covered her mouth, a sheepish grin forming on her face. That was the one downside—bloated bellies came with the occasional, unavoidable gas. Janet had always been mortified by the thought of burping in front of someone, and even now, alone in her room, the sound made her blush. But as embarrassing as it was, the thrill of having a belly like this far outweighed the awkwardness. --- Over the next few weeks, Janet’s experiments became more frequent. She bloated her belly whenever she had the chance—at home, while out shopping, even when she was with her friends. She loved the way people would glance at her, their eyes briefly settling on her round belly before moving on. Sometimes, she would catch a stranger staring, wondering if they were thinking she was pregnant. Each time it happened, Janet’s heart would flutter, and she’d feel a wave of excitement. One day, while shopping for groceries, Janet spotted a very pregnant woman in the produce aisle. The woman was wearing a tight dress that stretched over her large belly, and she moved slowly, cradling her bump as she picked out apples. Janet watched her, fascinated by the way the woman carried herself with such pride and confidence. For a moment, Janet imagined herself like that, her belly big and round, drawing attention wherever she went. Without thinking, Janet grabbed a bottle of sparkling water from the shelf and opened it right there in the store. She began drinking it as she walked through the aisles, feeling her belly begin to expand. By the time she reached the checkout line, her belly was noticeably rounder, pressing against the waistband of her jeans. The cashier, a young man around her age, glanced down at her belly as she handed him her items. His eyes lingered for just a moment before he smiled and said, “Congratulations. When are you due?” Janet’s heart skipped a beat. She had done it—she had been mistaken for pregnant. The thrill of it was almost too much, and for a moment, she considered playing along. But instead, she simply smiled and said, “Oh, not for a while.” As she walked out of the store, her belly full and round, Janet couldn’t help but grin to herself. She had tapped into something powerful, something sensual and secret. For now, this was enough. But deep down, she knew her curiosity wouldn’t stop here. The more she experimented, the more she wanted to see how far she could take it. After all, there was something undeniably sexy about having a belly like this—and Janet wasn’t ready to give that feeling up just yet.