Niccole Icon by Kechuppika on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Kechuppika on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

Kechuppika's avatar

Published: Aug 24, 2012


Requested by:iconichigo-vainamoinen: who wanted an icon of her oc Niccole
AHHH You're character is as if someone spilled a ton of glitter and decor all over it @A@)~~~ (not meant to be offensive XDD)
Plus at that time the colours in photoshop were all messed up = n =?!
The thing in the a skull and 2 hearts if none could tell ._.
Please Credit If Used~!

Image size

50x50px 2.98 KB

cakebutton's avatar

HNNNG~ So cute~ ;AA;
I love the colours~ * u * <333